Relationship I Deserve

Photo Credit: Sarunyu L/Shutterstock©️ Relationship I Deserve LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS OPPORTUNITY DearJames, Will I finally get the relationship I deserve? Chris Dear Relationship I Deserve, Without question, that is a loaded question. What one deserves is open to interpretation and is certainly dependent upon who is looking through the looking glass when making the determination. The […]
Breaking Through

Photo Credit: Little Perfect Stock/Shutterstock©️ Breaking Through LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS SELF-VALUE/WORTH/CONFIDENCE DearJames, I recently ended an on again off again 5-year relationship with a man I love. We had an intense connection and it ended badly. Now I feel very broken. Rationally I know that this relationship is over, and I do truly want us both […]
Friend Zoned

Photo Credit: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock©️ Friend Zoned LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS OPPORTUNITY DearJames, I am writing to you in order to know more. Why do girls slam guys into the jail of Friend Zone, and what shall a man do when he is Friend Zoned? Is there a chance card to draw in order to get out of […]
He Could Be It!

Photo Credit: Artush/Shutterstock©️ He Could Be It! LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS COMMUNICATION/MISCOMMUNICATION DearJames, Over the past 4-months I’ve developed a wonderful friendship with a man who happens to be a neighbor. We have so much in common. There is such ease and comfort in our friendship, and as a bonus, he and my son adore one another. […]
Focusing On My Love Life

Photo Credit: Bildagentur Zoonar/Shutterstock©️ Focusing On My Love Life LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS DECISION/INDECISION DearJames, I’m focusing on my love life and want to know if I’m making right choices or wait. Masau Dear Focusing On My Love Life, Patience is a virtue, or so the saying goes. At issue here is the need for more information. […]
With Someone New

Photo Credit: YanLev/Shutterstock©️ With Someone New LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS HAPPINESS/HOPE/PASSION/JOY DearJames, Am I going to be happy with the man I’m with for the rest of my life, or with someone new? Angie Dear With Someone New, At the heart of your question lies the answer, YOU. Happiness with yourself and another is something you choose […]
What To Do To Have Happiness

Photo Credit: Vdovichenko Denis/Shutterstock©️ What To Do To Have Happiness LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS SELF-VALUE/WORTH/CONFIDENCE DearJames, I am currently in love with someone who does not love me the same way, but I have to be around him and have him in my life. He has me around almost everyday, and is intimate, but I’m lonely and […]
Sticking Through This

Photo Credit: T photography/Shutterstock©️ Sticking Through This LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS DECISION/INDECISION DearJames, I have known this man for 15 years and we have both been married, had kids, but always seem to find our way back to each other. Last year, we reconnected and admitted that we love each other. For almost a whole year, things […]
Will I Ever Have…

Photo Credit: lola1960/Shutterstock©️ Will I Ever Have… LOVE MONEY/DEBT/FINANCES HAPPINESS/HOPE/PASSION/JOY DearJames, Will I ever have ANY of these? Love – Money – Happiness Len Dear Will I Ever Have…, To answer your direct question, Yes You Will, however, your belief system renders and controls the answer and outcome to each question you’ve asked as YOU […]
Currently Single

Photo Credit: Juliya Norenko/Shutterstock©️ Currently Single LOVE MARRIAGE/ENGAGEMENT/WEDDING OPPORTUNITY DearJames, Can you please tell me when I will get married? I am currently single. I caught a bouquet at my mom and stepfather’s wedding in 2010. This usually means that I am the next one in my family to get married. Tink72891 Dear Currently Single, […]