I Feel So Crushed

Photo Credit: Rainer Lesniekski/Shutterstock©️ I Feel So Crushed LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS LIFE DIRECTION/PURPOSE DearJames, I am currently single but completely in love with my six-month old daughter’s father. I spend a lot of time with him and my daughter. However, I can’t take much more, as he does not care for me like I care for […]
I Try So Hard

Photo Credit: Stefano Termanini/Shutterstock©️ I Try So Hard DATING/RELATIONSHIPS LOVE SELF-VALUE/WORTH/CONFIDENCE DearJames, I try so hard to find love, but it never fails, I always end up getting hurt!!! My last one was a bad drug addict, so I let him go. Do I have to be alone forever? Anonymous Dear I Try So Hard, […]
Why Won’t He Let Me Go

Photo Credit: Everett Collection/Shutterstock©️ Why Won’t He Let Me Go LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS ACCOUNTABILITY/RESPONSIBILITY DearJames, I’ve loved the same man for eight years. He is my son’s father and we’ve been through him cheating early in the relationship, death, moving, drug addiction (both of us), and him being jailed. He never leaves me alone for long, […]
Will I Find My Soul Mate

Photo Credit: VLukas/Shutterstock©️ Will I Find My Soul Mate LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS OPPORTUNITY DearJames, Will I find my soul mate, or will I be alone? Anonymous Dear Will I Find My Soul Mate, Life is a series of ever-changing experiences. Some last a lifetime, others a fleeting moment. Finding one’s soul mate, while enticing, misses the […]
Open His Heart

Photo Credit: limpido/Shutterstock©️ Open His Heart LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS SELF-VALUE/WORTH/CONFIDENCE DearJames, Will DD Sr. open his heart and allow his feelings for me to grow? Natural1 Dear Open His Heart, The fastest way to a broken heart is by ignoring all the well-placed signs along your path. There is a lot of inner pain going on […]
I Have A Crush

Photo Credit: Ruth Black/Shutterstock©️ I Have A Crush LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS DISHONESTY/LIES/DECEIT DearJames, I have a crush on someone and am having a hard time getting over it. How should I handle it? I feel they may have liked me too at one point; however, I was too stubborn to show it. Meme Dear I Have […]
Love Of My Life

Photo Credit: Yulia Grigoryeva/Shutterstock©️ Love Of My Life LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS PAST/FUTURE DearJames, Will I find the love of my life in the near future? Anonymous Dear Love Of My Life, Much of what you seek currently eludes you and that is for both good measure and safekeeping. The desire to find the “love of your […]
Eighteen Long Years

Photo Credit: Subbotina Anna/Shutterstock©️ Eighteen Long Years MARRIAGE/ENGAGEMENT/WEDDING BREAKUP/SEPARATION/DIVORCE LOVE DearJames, After eighteen long years of my first and only husband divorcing me, then taking my kids away from me, then dying at 46-years of age, leaving me stranded in the street, alone and destitute, with nothing, I just want to ask WHY have I […]
Will I Find Love

Photo Credit: LouieLea/Shutterstock©️ Will I Find Love LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS HAPPINESS/HOPE/PASSION/JOY DearJames, Will I find love and true happiness soon? Anonymous Dear Will I Find Love, Finding love and true happiness is an internal affair not an external one. It’s not that the question you asked is not clear, on the contrary it’s quite clear, and […]
Marry A Good Man

Photo Credit: mountaintreks/Shutterstock©️ Marry A Good Man PAST/FUTURE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS LOVE DearJames, Will I meet, be happy with, and marry a good man in the near future? Am Dear Marry A Good Man, There is nothing like a clean-sweep to kick things off in the new 9-year cycle that commenced January 2017. I’d like to say […]