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Relationship I Deserve


Will I finally get the relationship I deserve?


Dear Relationship I Deserve,

Without question, that is a loaded question.

What one deserves is open to interpretation and is certainly dependent upon who is looking through the looking glass when making the determination. The better question to ask The Unseen, Spirit-Source-Symphony, is please bring to me the best-suited person for a relationship that will enrich my life and I theirs.

Doing so, opens yourself to experience life on a much higher and expansive level.

That’s not to say you shouldn’t have ideas about what you want your potential mate’s character, characteristics, personality, and physicality to be, as you should. It just means you are open to a higher power fulfilling your request. Lest you get the relationship you deserve. Entitlement is a slippery slope as it can easily fall into shadow work territory.

We know what we know until we KNOW.

One of the great gifts in life is embracing the unknown. Who might be the one who wasn’t what we told ourselves we wanted or deserved but being perfectly unexpected sweeps us off our feet? The one who offers life lessons we didn’t know we needed to learn and experience. The one who makes us a better person simply by Being.

In the long run, you will indeed meet the person of your dreams. However, it will have far less to do with what you deserve and far more to do with what you are open and willing to experience in life.

A trait that is both worthy and deserving of you.
