I Just Want To Know

Photo Credit: Ziga Camernik/Shutterstock©️ I Just Want To Know LIFE OPPORTUNITY HAPPINESS/HOPE/PASSION/JOY DearJames, I just want to know if you have any messages for me. Anonymous Dear I Just Want To Know, Much has already touched your life, and much more will. Life is as you know, a continuing series of choices and events that […]
Struggle With Mental Illness

Photo Credit: ADragan/Shutterstock©️ Struggle With Mental Illness MENTAL ILLNESS/HARMFUL THOUGHTS-BEHAVIOR/SUICIDE REINCARNATION/PAST LIVES LIFE DearJames, Why did I choose for this lifetime to be a struggle with mental illness? And how can I make sure it doesn’t happen again? Anonymous Dear Struggle With Mental Illness, In every lifetime, well in advance of our arrival, our soul […]
Am I Going To Make It Through

Photo Credit: subin pumsom/Shutterstock©️ Am I Going To Make It Through LIFE HEALTH ABUNDANCE/PROSPERITY/WEALTH DearJames, Am I going to make it through what’s going on in my life now? Anonymous Dear Am I Going To Make It Through, Often the road less travelled requires more of you, takes longer to navigate, and when mired knee […]
Happily Single

Photo Credit: COLCU/Shutterstock©️ Happily Single HAPPINESS/HOPE/PASSION/JOY LIFE OPPORTUNITY DearJames, I am happily single. Just curious if that is how my life will continue. Anonymous Dear Happily Single, Happiness is a state-of-mind. Happily Single, is an expression of that state-of-mind in the present moment. Continuing that way is a choice. A decision you will continually make […]
Always On My Mind

Photo Credit: optimarc/Shutterstock©️ Always On My Mind LIFE DEATH FAITH/RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY DearJames, My father died in 1999, and although it’s been over 17 years, he is always on my mind. Both of my brothers have also passed away. One died before my father in 1989 and the other one died about three years ago. While I […]
It Saddens Me So

Photo Credit: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock©️ It Saddens Me So LIFE DEATH CAREGIVER/PROVIDER DearJames, My father has been sick for a very long time and is in continual discomfort, pain, with no real quality of life. I’m wondering if he is holding on because he is scared to pass. The doctors are in shock that he […]
What The Future Holds

Photo Credit: Petr Jilek/Shutterstock©️ What The Future Holds CAREGIVER/PROVIDER CHILD/CHILDREN LIFE DearJames, I’m due May 6th and I’m having a baby girl. My pregnancy has been very stressful, and I’m all-alone: meaning no baby daddy and none of my family. I guess I just want to know what the future holds for me, and my […]
Did The Right Thing

Photo Credit: Oleg Golovnev/Shutterstock©️ Did The Right Thing LIFE DEATH ACCOUNTABILITY/RESPONSIBILITY DearJames, I found out some information on a man that’s been missing from my area for 15-months. Of course, I did the right thing and reported all information to the authorities. However, can you please tell me if my intuition was correct, and will […]
Peace & Happiness

Photo Credit: Lane V. Erickson/Shutterstock©️ Peace & Happiness LIFE DIRECTION/PURPOSE LIFE OPPORTUNITY DearJames, Can you help me find peace & happiness? Anonymous Dear Peace & Happiness, All that you seek you already are. Peace and happiness are not elusive external elements foraged, found, and favored by only a select few. On the contrary, the entire […]
Will I Meet My Soulmate

Photo Credit: Lisovskaya Natalia /Shutterstock©️ Will I Meet My Soulmate LOVE LIFE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS DearJames, Will I meet my soulmate, and how will I know? Miles Dear Will I Meet My Soulmate, Living in the fantasy of finding ones soulmate can be a slippery slope. It’s not that such opportunities don’t exist, it’s simply that you […]