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Always On My Mind


My father died in 1999, and although it’s been over 17 years, he is always on my mind.

Both of my brothers have also passed away. One died before my father in 1989 and the other one died about three years ago.  While I think about my father often, recently it’s been even more.

What is he trying to tell me?  I feel that it’s about my mother. Her health isn’t very good physically and emotionally. Can you help explain this to me?


Dear Always On My Mind,

All our intuitive insight, answers, and knowing come to us from Source, our soul-source connection.

One can ignore it or chalk it up to coincidence, accident, or dumb luck, however, when one investigates further, they will always find the Unseen, Spirit, Source, and Symphony at the epicenter.

Souls are timeless and endless. They never die, they simply change / transmute their energy into a different field of resonance. Your connection and closeness with your father didn’t stop the day he passed in 1999. Rather, it simply changed, and more probable than not, deepened, as it became necessary for you to engage other senses to continue your relationship.

To connect beyond the physical, we must utilize our other senses.

In the case of your father, he is not only present to assist in the homecoming of your mother, but also as a reminder of all that you have yet to accomplish. He is one of your journeymen so-to-speak, there to give you comfort and guidance through the challenging times, and a swift kick in the backside when you’re being less than you are capable of being.

Parenting doesn’t begin at birth any more than it ends at death. It is a sacred soul contract that endures, transcends, and predisposes incarnation. Each soul fulfills their incarnate/discarnate soul agreement, period. There are no time limits or limitations other than what is agreed to between two souls or groups of souls.

All soul agreements are of divine will, origin, and blessing, and agreed to for each soul’s highest and best.

Know that your father is conveying to you a way forward in all that you face. Your worries are far less than they appear on the surface, and all that you need is directly in front of you. You are too in the trenches with your face pressed upon the glass. You need only take a big step back so you may see things more clearly.

Destiny is not a distant destination, nor is it a destroyer of dreams.

Destiny is the journey we travel. Open yourself to the guiding hand of Source and Spirit. Rich is the path of your Heavenly Father. Follow him in faith allowing birth and death to no longer cloud your view. What you’ll find him conveying is a world of existence far beyond the perceived limitations of time and space.

For he knows All, and we know little.
