Need A Hand

Photo Credit: Archv/Shutterstock©️ Need A Hand DEATH BREAKUP/SEPARATION/DIVORCE PAST/FUTURE DearJames, In 2017 I lost two family members in a very short time. Then I hit rock bottom in a relationship that I couldn’t seem to quit until it about ruined my life. So, last year I spent too much and ate too much, and I […]
I Need Some Answers

Photo Credit: amalia19/Shutterstock©️ I Need Some Answers DEATH GRIEF SPOUSE/PARTNER/SIGNIFICANT OTHER DearJames, My husband passed recently. We still don’t know the cause of death or why the findings are taking so long. However, my daughter-in-law’s sister had a dream about my husband where he states, “hey I am ok, but I am sick.” Then he […]
Need To Ask My Dad

Photo Credit: Michael Rosolia/Shutterstock©️ Need To Ask My Dad DEATH PARENT/GUARDIAN OPPORTUNITY DearJames, I need to ask my dad what I am supposed to do about Blade and Leanne? Anonymous Dear Need To Ask My Dad, Time has a way of healing all that appears to be challenging or troubling in any given moment. You’re […]
Truth In Heaven

Photo Credit: Ety/Shutterstock©️ Truth In Heaven CHILD/CHILDREN DEATH FORGIVENESS DearJames, Has my daughter Kelly learned the truth in heaven and forgiven me? Anonymous Dear Truth In Heaven, Yes, she has. Eric Clapton’s 1992 song titled “Tears in Heaven” instantly began playing within me when I read your question. “Would you know my name, would it […]
Before It Kills Him

Photo Credit: lassedesignen/Shutterstock©️ Before It Kills Him ADDICTION DEATH DRUGS/ALCOHOL DearJames, Will my husband, who is struggling hard with addiction, get help before it kills him? Anonymous Dear Before It Kills Him, We all believe ourselves to be invincible, until we are not. Addiction is one of the most serious illnesses humanity faces, and yet […]
Always On My Mind

Photo Credit: optimarc/Shutterstock©️ Always On My Mind LIFE DEATH FAITH/RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY DearJames, My father died in 1999, and although it’s been over 17 years, he is always on my mind. Both of my brothers have also passed away. One died before my father in 1989 and the other one died about three years ago. While I […]
It Saddens Me So

Photo Credit: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock©️ It Saddens Me So LIFE DEATH CAREGIVER/PROVIDER DearJames, My father has been sick for a very long time and is in continual discomfort, pain, with no real quality of life. I’m wondering if he is holding on because he is scared to pass. The doctors are in shock that he […]
Did The Right Thing

Photo Credit: Oleg Golovnev/Shutterstock©️ Did The Right Thing LIFE DEATH ACCOUNTABILITY/RESPONSIBILITY DearJames, I found out some information on a man that’s been missing from my area for 15-months. Of course, I did the right thing and reported all information to the authorities. However, can you please tell me if my intuition was correct, and will […]
Arrival Of The Grim Reaper

Photo Credit: Paul Aniszewski/Shutterstock©️ Arrival Of The Grim Reaper DEATH ILLNESS/CHRONIC ILLNESS REINCARNATION/PAST LIVES DearJames, I was diagnosed with a rare but indolent 4th stage lymphoma in November 2013. Traditional medicine has nothing to offer because I am a “watch & wait”. I have made peace with my situation and for a couple of reasons […]
Hit The Road Jack

Photo Credit: Krivosheev Vitaly/Shutterstock©️ Hit the Road Jack DEATH BREAKUP/SEPARATION/DIVORCE SELF-VALUE/WORTH/CONFIDENCE DearJames, I lost both my 17-year old son and 19-year old nephew in a drunk driving accident on July 30, 2014 with my nephew behind the wheel. I still have a beautiful, talented 16-year old son living at home. I’m a single mom, but […]