I Will Never Give Up

Photo Credit: maradon 333/Shutterstock©️ I Will Never Give Up ADOPTION/ADOPTED FAMILY/FRIENDS CHILD/CHILDREN DearJames, I was adopted at the age of two. I have searched very hard for over five years for my last biological sibling, and it would mean a lot to me to find her. I have spent countless hours on the internet searching […]
Move This Project Forward

Photo Credit: ronstik/Shutterstock©️ Move This Project Forward MONEY/DEBT/FINANCES MOVE/RELOCATION FAITH/RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY DearJames, We have had a piece of land for sale for over eight years. Selling this property will enable us to become completely debt free. It is a desirable piece of property, the market is coming up, and we feel we have a good real […]
Manifesting What We Really Desire

Photo Credit: aapsky/Shutterstock©️ Manifesting What We Really Desire DECISION/INDECISION FAITH/RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY WORK/EMPLOYMENT/CAREER DearJames, We are thinking of expanding our home-based business. Is it a good idea to do so? And a question about praying/prayers. What’s the best way to pray? Is there a specific entity to pray to like the Catholic Saints or God/Source, or is […]
Wondering What My Calling Is

Photo Credit: Jozef Klopacka/Shutterstock©️ Wondering What My Calling Is FAITH/RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY LIFE DIRECTION/PURPOSE PAST/FUTURE DearJames, I am wondering what my calling is? I am also wondering who are my spirit guides? Sandee Dear Wondering What My Calling Is, The song that immediately began playing is the famed Broadway musical hit “Everything’s Coming Up Roses.” Somewhere along […]
Fulfill My Destiny

Photo Credit: mbolina/Shutterstock©️ Fulfill My Destiny FAITH/RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY LIFE DIRECTION/PURPOSE HAPPINESS/HOPE/PASSION/JOY DearJames, What is my life purpose and gifts, and what is blocking me from developing and utilizing those gifts to fulfill my destiny? Shelldeenee Dear Fulfill My Destiny To fulfill your destiny, you must first and foremost be willing to reexamine your current perceptions of […]
Always On My Mind

Photo Credit: optimarc/Shutterstock©️ Always On My Mind LIFE DEATH FAITH/RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY DearJames, My father died in 1999, and although it’s been over 17 years, he is always on my mind. Both of my brothers have also passed away. One died before my father in 1989 and the other one died about three years ago. While I […]
Opposite Of A Star

Photo Credit: Jurik Peter/Shutterstock©️ Opposite Of A Star FAITH/RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY OPPORTUNITY OTHER DearJames, Is a black hole the opposite of a star? Anonymous Dear Opposite Of A Star, Based solely upon physics, the answer would be No. However, speaking from a more metaphysical perspective, perhaps one would contemplate is it where stars go to die and […]
Am I Wrong To Have Faith

Photo Credit: nito/Shutterstock©️ Am I Wrong To Have Faith FAITH/RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY SELF-VALUE/WORTH/CONFIDENCE PAST/FUTURE DearJames, I am a 52-year old mother of four, grandmother of four, and cancer survivor. My entire adult life has been full of financial struggles, foreclosure, and bankruptcy. I have always been in my sister’s shadow, never having any self-confidence or self-worth. I […]
We Are Fine

Photo Credit: Seqoya/Shutterstock©️ We Are Fine BREAKUP/SEPARATION/DIVORCE FAITH/RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY SELF-VALUE/WORTH/CONFIDENCE DearJames, After 17-years of marriage, I divorced my Muslim husband, leaving with nothing but my two girls. I have started life all over again, trying to stand on my own two feet. I was a good wife and mother, but he treated me the worse. I […]
Heavy Heart

Photo Credit: Amanda Carden/Shutterstock©️ Heavy Heart CHILD/CHILDREN ACCOUNTABILITY/RESPONSIBILITY FAITH/RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY DearJames, I had a consultation with you and when we were done I truly felt empowered. Since then I seem to have fallen into an even darker hole. How do I let go of a son who wants to sink? My heart is heavy, and I […]