Photo Credit: Jozef Klopacka/Shutterstock©️

Wondering What My Calling Is


I am wondering what my calling is?  I am also wondering who are my spirit guides?


Dear Wondering What My Calling Is,

The song that immediately began playing is the famed Broadway musical hit “Everything’s Coming Up Roses.”

Somewhere along the line you were destined for fame and now feel as though all those innate desires and feelings are simply a lifetime away, a pipe dream, a long-held yet forgotten part of yourself. However, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. The truth is that you are indeed destined for fame, or at least the more pure aspect of fame.

As with all things, fame carries with it both a positive and negative aspect. The fame you seek is that of widespread public renown. Renown for the innocent and innate gifts you will share and shower upon the world, avoiding that which solely seeks the spotlight for the sake of being in the spotlight. This latter form of fame is vacuous, barren, and incredibly short-lived while the former is pure, innocent, and everlasting.

Glory that is co-created on behalf of the whole is rewarded by the whole. There is no more pure or simple truth. Look to the dreams of your past to reprise, deliver, and live your present-future.

Each step in the present moment will guide you along the way.

It appears you will be writing to and speaking with the public. International audiences are calling, and they hold the keys to your future successes and ultimate happiness. Embrace and trust your soul-source connection, your intuitive GPS and all will be golden.

Regarding your spirit guides, there appears to be a lot of presence and influence by both your maternal and paternal grandparents as well as Native American spirits. White doves and flowing white feathers perched upright within your headband denote peace, purity, and activism, held within a warrior’s heart and being.

Access and utilize this wisdom carefully, and with great honor, reverence, and deference as it is both ancient and powerful in nature. Between these presences in your life, you will experience a greater sense of strength, balance, wisdom, and insight which will reveal itself in both your written and spoken words.

By embodying peace, you bring peace unto the world. Peace that is certainly worthy of praise, honor, and recognition.
