Photo Credit: Seqoya/Shutterstock©️

We Are Fine


After 17-years of marriage, I divorced my Muslim husband, leaving with nothing but my two girls. I have started life all over again, trying to stand on my own two feet. I was a good wife and mother, but he treated me the worse.

I have met someone, and love him, but I always feel empty inside. He was hurt too, from his first marriage, so we are taking it one day at a time. He lives far away, but I always think about him in so many loving ways. I just believe I will always feel something towards him, even if it doesn’t work out. There is something about him, and just in photos my girls like him a lot, but I don’t know why I always feel worried about the relationship.

He loves me and I love him. We are fine, but please help me.


Dear We Are Fine,

The need for inner contemplation of all you seek, face, and desire, are called for at this time.

When the branches of the willow are young, they rely heavily upon the sturdiness of their core, their roots, to sustain their growth and development. Through time and nourishment, they grow and mature into great beings, adding strength and vitality to whence they originated.

This natural process of evolution cannot be rushed or hurried. It requires ample time to form a sustainable internal structure that is worthy of its stature, grace, and longevity. You, like the young willow, need time, trust, and patience, peace, and inner nourishment.

To know the best way to grow and evolve, you must engage your inner wisdom, your innate inner knowing. You must hone, polish, rely upon your origin, your soul-source connection. To be one with this foundation is to be centered, expansive, and eternal. To not, is to be adrift, ever grasping for greater light within a darkened forest.

The sapling does not struggle to grow, mature, and evolve. It knows its nature and is one with it.

Now more than ever, you must nurture your soul nature. This will lead to deep wisdom and understanding of self, your soul self, and inner confidence. Look to your guides, angels, spirit teachers, and ancestors to show you the way.

To have many questions is healthy. To seek answers outwardly, without ever looking inwardly, will leave you unfulfilled, and desirous of more. Look within to fill your vessel. Exercise self-accountability and responsibility. Be willing to accept what you see so you may transcend what no longer serves you.

Celebrate you and the journey your soul chose to experience. Only then will you find the true peace and nourishment you seek. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7
