Photo Credit: Ziga Camernik/Shutterstock©️

I Just Want To Know


I just want to know if you have any messages for me.


Dear I Just Want To Know,

Much has already touched your life, and much more will. Life is as you know, a continuing series of choices and events that deepen, hone, and shape your overall life experience. One that is meant to refine you, not define you.

What matters most is how quickly you accept and embrace each experience while also knowing when to release it, so you make room for what is to come next. Life is fluid not fixed. An ever-changing sea of opportunity, choice, and experience. We can no more hold onto a moment than we can a person, place, or thing.

Enjoy life and all its tender, brilliant moments. Know that life’s greatest challenges are an illusion, a gift cloaked in an opposite, willing to readily reveal themselves once you surrender to the truth of their purpose.

There are those you have lost that are welcoming you and wrapping you in their love, light, and goodness. They await the day you will join them again, and yet celebrate your time here on earth and all it has to offer and teach you.

You need not be afraid or uncertain about the road that lies ahead. Allow it to unfold before you organically knowing that you are simply remembering and experiencing what your soul desired and agreed to long before ever incarnating into this lifetime. Learn from it. Love and laugh with it. Thrive and embrace it. For it has taught you well in the past and it will certainly teach you well in the present-future.

Remember that strength is a gift you give yourself, just like courage, grace, humility, peace, perseverance and so many other brilliant offerings from the Divine. Cultivate and nourish all of them within yourself.

Ultimately, your journey will be as rich as you allow. Trust in that and all that you choose to co-create and experience in this lifetime. Live each moment fully. Be present. Radiate your light, love, and energy like the spark of the Divine you are. And remember, that random acts of kindness and the boundless positive ripples they create are priceless, plentiful, and most assuredly preferred.
