I Just Want To Know

Photo Credit: Ziga Camernik/Shutterstock©️ I Just Want To Know LIFE OPPORTUNITY HAPPINESS/HOPE/PASSION/JOY DearJames, I just want to know if you have any messages for me. Anonymous Dear I Just Want To Know, Much has already touched your life, and much more will. Life is as you know, a continuing series of choices and events that […]
Will I

Photo Credit: LiuSol/Shutterstock©️ Will I HEALTH HAPPINESS/HOPE/PASSION/JOY ABUNDANCE/PROSPERITY/WEALTH DearJames, Will I be set for life? Will I live near my grandchildren? Will I get well? I have chronic pain/anxiety/panic attacks. Will I be with my husband? My husband is a shaman; is there room for me in his life? Anonymous Dear Will I, Every question […]
Personal Relationship Problems

Photo Credit: Igor Aleks/Shutterstock©️ Personal Relationship Problems DATING/RELATIONSHIPS HAPPINESS/HOPE/PASSION/JOY LIFE DIRECTION/PURPOSE DearJames, I’ve had personal relationship problems all my life. I just ended a 10-year relationship that was difficult and toxic. I’m not even sure I want a partner at this point but I get lonely for companionship. What is your advice? Lgs324 Dear Personal […]
What Is Holding Me Back

Photo Credit: brickrena/Shutterstock©️ What Is Holding Me Back HEALTH HAPPINESS/HOPE/PASSION/JOY DISORDERS DearJames, What is holding me back from losing weight? I know I need to but I’m an emotional eater and cannot stop. Feeling Stuck Dear What Is Holding Me Back, It literally feels as though the weight of the world is upon your shoulders. […]
Where Is My Son Headed

Photo Credit: helloseed/Shutterstock©️ Where Is My Son Headed ADDICTION MENTAL ILLNESS/HARMFUL THOUGHTS-BEHAVIOR/SUICIDE HAPPINESS/HOPE/PASSION/JOY DearJames, Where is my son headed? Anonymous Dear Where Is My Son Headed, There’s a lot going on behind the scenes. Demons, desires, and bottomless voids are trying to be filled and conquered in ways that simply drive one further down and […]
I Believe In Karma

Photo Credit: Lane V. Erickson/Shutterstock©️ I Believe In Karma ABUSE/ABANDONMENT/NEGLECT ILLNESS/CHRONIC ILLNESS HAPPINESS/HOPE/PASSION/JOY DearJames, My whole life I’ve been severely abused and neglected. I was raped and molested in my teens and most all of my family died pretty young. It seems I’ve not been truly happy. I believe in karma and think that’s why […]
Receive My Disability

Photo Credit: begemot_30/Shutterstock©️ Receive My Disability HAPPINESS/HOPE/PASSION/JOY PAST/FUTURE SELF-VALUE/WORTH/CONFIDENCE DearJames, Will I Receive my disability? Granny Dear Receive My Disability, Yes, you will receive your disability, however, it won’t be without additional heartache, delay, and pain and suffering. Obstacles currently stand in the way of you receiving the benefits you are both entitled to and […]
Will I Find Love

Photo Credit: LouieLea/Shutterstock©️ Will I Find Love LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS HAPPINESS/HOPE/PASSION/JOY DearJames, Will I find love and true happiness soon? Anonymous Dear Will I Find Love, Finding love and true happiness is an internal affair not an external one. It’s not that the question you asked is not clear, on the contrary it’s quite clear, and […]
Happily Single

Photo Credit: COLCU/Shutterstock©️ Happily Single HAPPINESS/HOPE/PASSION/JOY LIFE OPPORTUNITY DearJames, I am happily single. Just curious if that is how my life will continue. Anonymous Dear Happily Single, Happiness is a state-of-mind. Happily Single, is an expression of that state-of-mind in the present moment. Continuing that way is a choice. A decision you will continually make […]
Fulfill My Destiny

Photo Credit: mbolina/Shutterstock©️ Fulfill My Destiny FAITH/RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY LIFE DIRECTION/PURPOSE HAPPINESS/HOPE/PASSION/JOY DearJames, What is my life purpose and gifts, and what is blocking me from developing and utilizing those gifts to fulfill my destiny? Shelldeenee Dear Fulfill My Destiny To fulfill your destiny, you must first and foremost be willing to reexamine your current perceptions of […]