Is He Using Me

Photo Credit: Opachevsky Irina/Shutterstock©️ Is He Using Me TRUST/DISTRUST DATING/RELATIONSHIPS SELF-VALUE/WORTH/CONFIDENCE DearJames, I feel like my boyfriend is cheating on me, using me, and really doesn’t want to be with me. He’s always lying to me. Always putting himself first. And when a friend calls, he jumps right up and leaves and then gets mad […]

Life Back On Track

Photo Credit: Doug Lemke/Shutterstock©️ Life Back On Track DATING/RELATIONSHIPS MONEY/DEBT/FINANCES WORK/EMPLOYMENT/CAREER DearJames, I am starting a new job in my chosen profession. I need to keep this job to get my life back on track with my daughter and pay back debts. I am also in a cyber relationship with a nice man, but not […]

Met A Great Guy

Photo Credit: Alex Yakimovski/Shutterstock©️ Met A Great Guy DATING/RELATIONSHIPS PAST/FUTURE DECISION/INDECISION DearJames, I met a great guy, only problem is he works where I go to the chiropractor. Should I build a friendship with him or totally forget it? The two times we hung out, it felt like we had known each other all our […]

Relationship I Deserve

Photo Credit: Sarunyu L/Shutterstock©️ Relationship I Deserve LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS OPPORTUNITY DearJames, Will I finally get the relationship I deserve? Chris Dear Relationship I Deserve, Without question, that is a loaded question. What one deserves is open to interpretation and is certainly dependent upon who is looking through the looking glass when making the determination. The […]

Breaking Through

Photo Credit: Little Perfect Stock/Shutterstock©️ Breaking Through LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS SELF-VALUE/WORTH/CONFIDENCE DearJames, I recently ended an on again off again 5-year relationship with a man I love. We had an intense connection and it ended badly. Now I feel very broken. Rationally I know that this relationship is over, and I do truly want us both […]

He Is Not The One

Photo Credit: eomgaa/Shutterstock©️ He Is Not the One DATING/RELATIONSHIPS ACCOUNTABILITY/RESPONSIBILITY SELF-VALUE/WORTH/CONFIDENCE DearJames, Last year, something extraordinary happened in my life, after I broke up with my ex boy friend. I sense I am going to meet my soul mate soon and I tried to seek advice from an astrologer in my city. He asked me […]

It’s Complicated

Photo Credit: Dzhulbee/Shutterstock©️ It’s Complicated DATING/RELATIONSHIPS PAST/FUTURE DECISION/INDECISION DearJames, I just got divorced after 30 years of marriage. About 10 months ago I ran into my long-time friend, someone I have always had feelings for, and found out he feels the same way. We have been seeing each other since then, but we can’t ever […]

Friend Zoned

Photo Credit: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock©️ Friend Zoned LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS OPPORTUNITY DearJames, I am writing to you in order to know more. Why do girls slam guys into the jail of Friend Zone, and what shall a man do when he is Friend Zoned? Is there a chance card to draw in order to get out of […]

My Heart Deserves Better

Photo Credit: Dvoevnore/Shutterstock©️ My Heart Deserves Better PAST/FUTURE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS SPOUSE/PARTNER/SIGNIFICANT OTHER DearJames, I have been single for over two years, and I’ve worked a lot on my and my children’s lives. I feel that I’m becoming a better person, and making healthier choices. I’m ready for a new relationship, and I’m wondering when this will […]

He Could Be It!

Photo Credit: Artush/Shutterstock©️ He Could Be It! LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS COMMUNICATION/MISCOMMUNICATION DearJames, Over the past 4-months I’ve developed a wonderful friendship with a man who happens to be a neighbor. We have so much in common. There is such ease and comfort in our friendship, and as a bonus, he and my son adore one another. […]