At My Wits End

Photo Credit: Callipso/Shutterstock©️ At My Wits end ABUSE/ABANDONMENT/NEGLECT ACCOUNTABILITY/RESPONSIBILITY CHILD/CHILDREN DearJames, I am having issues with my daughter. She has three kids, is mad at the world, and I try to help all I can. She doesn’t appreciate anything, and it is draining me in every way. I have prayed and am at my wits […]
I Will Never Give Up

Photo Credit: maradon 333/Shutterstock©️ I Will Never Give Up ADOPTION/ADOPTED FAMILY/FRIENDS CHILD/CHILDREN DearJames, I was adopted at the age of two. I have searched very hard for over five years for my last biological sibling, and it would mean a lot to me to find her. I have spent countless hours on the internet searching […]
Is It Possible

Photo Credit: Coompia77/Shutterstock©️ Is It Possible CHILD/CHILDREN DRUGS/ALCOHOL WORK/EMPLOYMENT/CAREER DearJames, Will my daughter stop drinking? Is it possible for me to find a soul mate? And how can I improve my work and relationship with my boss? Mila Dear Is It Possible, Finding a soul mate is like discovering a new galaxy, planet, or universe, […]
Just Trying Another Fix

Photo Credit: Michael715/Shutterstock©️ Just Trying Another Fix CHILD/CHILDREN COMMUNICATION/MISCOMMUNICATION ABUSE/ABANDONMENT/NEGLECT DearJames, My grown daughter hasn’t completely dealt with her childhood sexual abuse, and I’m concerned about the choices she’s currently making in her life. What will it take for her to see that all her perfectionistic attempts at happiness aren’t the answer, and she may […]
Will My Son Change

Photo Credit: alexkich/Shutterstock©️ Will My Son Change CHILD/CHILDREN ACCOUNTABILITY/RESPONSIBILITY LIFE DIRECTION/PURPOSE DearJames, Will my son change for the better in his sense of responsibility and relationships with others? Anonymous Dear Will My Son Change, Tough times and circumstances lie ahead, there’s simply no beating around the bush here. Your son is struggling and remains in […]
Stand By Me

Photo Credit: Artrise/Shutterstock©️ Stand By Me HEALTH SPOUSE/PARTNER/SIGNIFICANT OTHER CHILD/CHILDREN DearJames, Will my health problems change and will my spouse stand by me? My children worry me, will they achieve in life? Francis Dear Stand By Me, Life is a series of choices. What you choose both defines and determines your experiences. By choosing a […]
A Pregnancy For Me

Photo Credit: Ellerslie/Shutterstock©️ A Pregnancy For Me CHILD/CHILDREN HEALTH OPPORTUNITY DearJames, Do you see a pregnancy for me, and if so when? Anonymous Dear A Pregnancy For Me, As joyous as life can be, it can also be beset with complications. Complications have a way of teaching, unearthing, dissecting, and presenting what needs light and […]
Truth In Heaven

Photo Credit: Ety/Shutterstock©️ Truth In Heaven CHILD/CHILDREN DEATH FORGIVENESS DearJames, Has my daughter Kelly learned the truth in heaven and forgiven me? Anonymous Dear Truth In Heaven, Yes, she has. Eric Clapton’s 1992 song titled “Tears in Heaven” instantly began playing within me when I read your question. “Would you know my name, would it […]
Fix This Situation

Photo Credit: Antonova Ganna/Shutterstock©️ Fix This Situation CHILD/CHILDREN COMMUNICATION/MISCOMMUNICATION FORGIVENESS DearJames, I’ve had a falling out with my son, my only child. His wife hates me and says I’m never allowed to see my grandchildren again. EVER. It’s been over four months since I’ve seen them, and I’m blocked in every way from contacting them. […]
What The Future Holds

Photo Credit: Petr Jilek/Shutterstock©️ What The Future Holds CAREGIVER/PROVIDER CHILD/CHILDREN LIFE DearJames, I’m due May 6th and I’m having a baby girl. My pregnancy has been very stressful, and I’m all-alone: meaning no baby daddy and none of my family. I guess I just want to know what the future holds for me, and my […]