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A Pregnancy For Me


Do you see a pregnancy for me, and if so when?


Dear A Pregnancy For Me,

As joyous as life can be, it can also be beset with complications.

Complications have a way of teaching, unearthing, dissecting, and presenting what needs light and enlightenment. In this circumstance, there are many crossroads in need of clearing. Health related issues are affecting your husband’s overall ability to conceive, i.e. diminished sperm motility, morphology, etc.

Compounding the matter are biological issues within the female tract of your host system. There are also soul related issues at play here, as each of you, including that of the unborn child, have a say in whether to proceed or not.

Making necessary lifestyle changes/choices may benefit you both greatly and your physical bodies’ abilities to perform and conceive. However, the unaddressed mental and emotional aspects of a pregnancy and the raising / rearing of a child must also be met head on. For this experience to be a joyous one, all parties will need to be squarely focused on the facts of life as they know them to be, and not as they wish them to be.

Once that basis has been established, a more thoughtful and thought filled path and approach will present itself. As much as one would like to tell you what you wish to hear, it does appear to be an uphill battle / challenge to conceive. That said, remember that life can change in an instant. The greater importance contained within your inquiry is the pursuit and achievement of this cherished desire.

Make the necessary life choices and changes to bring it about and see how life changes. That is how much positive change will occur in your lives, and that is a beautiful path to follow regardless of the ultimate outcome. Adoption and foster care are also wonderful opportunities to introduce children into your lives.
