Waiting To Marry

Photo Credit: Tracy Burroughs/Shutterstock©️ Waiting To Marry DATING/RELATIONSHIPS MARRIAGE/ENGAGEMENT/WEDDING TRUST/DISTRUST DearJames, I have been single for forty-nine years, waiting to marry only once in my life. What are my chances now? And where is he? Anonymous Dear Waiting To Marry, Your statement begs the question, what have you been waiting for? Of course, the answer […]
Is It Real This Time

Photo Credit: Jenny Sturm/Shutterstock©️ Is It Real This Time DATING/RELATIONSHIPS MARRIAGE/ENGAGEMENT/WEDDING TRUST/DISTRUST DearJames, I met a nice guy a few months ago and have been dating him since. But, after my previous marriage failing and my last relationship proving to be a false true love, is this going to be the real deal or just […]
Out Of The Blue

Photo Credit: Elena Schweitzer/Shutterstock©️ Out Of The Blue BREAKUP/SEPARATION/DIVORCE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS MARRIAGE/ENGAGEMENT/WEDDING DearJames, A few years ago my daughter went through a terrible out of the blue break-up. I saw all the heartache she was going through. This was a relationship that started in high school and ended when she was 23 years old with no […]
Eighteen Long Years

Photo Credit: Subbotina Anna/Shutterstock©️ Eighteen Long Years MARRIAGE/ENGAGEMENT/WEDDING BREAKUP/SEPARATION/DIVORCE LOVE DearJames, After eighteen long years of my first and only husband divorcing me, then taking my kids away from me, then dying at 46-years of age, leaving me stranded in the street, alone and destitute, with nothing, I just want to ask WHY have I […]
Being Bipolar

Photo Credit: Balazs Kovacs/Shutterstock©️ Being Bipolar DISORDER(S) MENTAL ILLNESS/HARMFUL THOUGHTS-BEHAVIOR/SUICIDE MARRIAGE/ENGAGEMENT/WEDDING DearJames, Will my twin flame be able to overcome the issue he has with me being Bipolar so that we can marry? Desiree Dear Being Bipolar, The greater question to ask is will you? At issue here is your belief that he is the […]
Currently Single

Photo Credit: Juliya Norenko/Shutterstock©️ Currently Single LOVE MARRIAGE/ENGAGEMENT/WEDDING OPPORTUNITY DearJames, Can you please tell me when I will get married? I am currently single. I caught a bouquet at my mom and stepfather’s wedding in 2010. This usually means that I am the next one in my family to get married. Tink72891 Dear Currently Single, […]
Will I Move On

Photo Credit: Villiers Steyn/Shutterstock©️ Will I Move On LIFE DIRECTION/PURPOSE MARRIAGE/ENGAGEMENT/WEDDING BREAKUP/SEPARATION/DIVORCE DearJames, I have been unhappy in my marriage, and I believe my husband has too. Will I stay in the marriage or move on. If I do move on, will I be financially, okay? Anonymous Dear Will I Move On, The Bill Withers […]
Four Plus Years

Photo Credit: Ihnatovich Maryia/Shutterstock©️ Four Plus Years MARRIAGE/ENGAGEMENT/WEDDING LIFE DIRECTION/PURPOSE DECISION/INDECISION DearJames, Will my boyfriend of 4+ years ask me to marry him anytime soon? Anonymous Dear Four Plus Years, Being comfortable in life is great until it’s not. During any period of stagnation, our soul stirs, seeking to get our attention. The soul is […]
Take The Plunge

Photo Credit: Robert A. Metcalfe/Shutterstock©️ Take The Plunge LIFE DIRECTION/PURPOSE WORK/EMPLOYMENT/CAREER MARRIAGE/ENGAGEMENT/WEDDING DearJames, I wonder if you have some insight as to whether it’s time for me to take the plunge in two areas of my life. Marriage and a change in jobs. There really are no “coincidences” are there? Anonymous Dear Take The Plunge, […]
Is He Faithful

Photo Credit: nav/Shutterstock©️ Is He Faithful MARRIAGE/ENGAGEMENT/WEDDING INFIDELITY SELF-VALUE/WORTH/CONFIDENCE DearJames, Will my marriage last and is he faithful? Anonymous Dear Is He Faithful, You’ve been down this road before and right about now you’re asking yourself “Why did I stay?” The answer to that question and all the other ones in your heart are all […]