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Out Of The Blue


A few years ago my daughter went through a terrible out of the blue break-up. I saw all the heartache she was going through.  This was a relationship that started in high school and ended when she was 23 years old with no warning.  She started dating in the fall of 2017.  She is with a new guy and as a parent I want to see her happy.  Will this one be the one?


Dear Out Of The Blue,

Often the curveball that comes out of left field is the course correction your life needed, whether you realized it or not. In your daughter’s case, this couldn’t have been truer.

Complacency was taking hold in the former relationship and that was leading to less than honorable actions on his part. Every soul grows at its own pace. On a soul level, each soul agrees to the duration it will journey with another soul, and what each soul wishes to learn, experience, achieve, and transcend via the union.

Some relationships are meant to last a lifetime, others for a reason or a season.

Be thankful this breakup came early in her life and served as a wakeup call for your daughter. Its point was to awaken her, shake her out of her complacency, into a state of greater conscious awareness. Your daughter tends to go through life in somewhat of a ho-hum state, and while this is wonderful in some regards it can be detrimental in others.

Your daughter needs to become more comfortable in her own skin while also actively initiating and pursuing opportunities that serve to further empower and enrich her individual sovereignty. She is a strong woman and has never needed saving. The more she invokes experiences that demonstrate and reinforce this truth, the freer and more evolved she becomes.

Will this one be the one???  The jury is still currently out on this one as it is utterly dependent upon where each stand internally and their reason(s) for coming together. Every experience in life is a reflection that allows us to see ourselves more fully. This truth applies to both the micro, individual, and the macro, society at large.

Something tells me the current relationship is yet another stop on her journey of self-discovery to an ever-greater state of oneness. That said, do not despair, as all experiences are neutral and divine by nature. Her ultimate joy, success, and happiness in life is assured. She’s merely gathering the necessary tools and experiences to make it so.
