Photo Credit: Ihnatovich Maryia/Shutterstock©️

Four Plus Years


Will my boyfriend of 4+ years ask me to marry him anytime soon?


Dear Four Plus Years,

Being comfortable in life is great until it’s not.

During any period of stagnation, our soul stirs, seeking to get our attention.

The soul is naturally programmed to pursue and achieve one’s highest and best life experiences, possibilities, and soul-growth evolution.

When your soul innately senses and feels your soul-growth-evolution being stalled or stymied, it sends out signals both subtle and overt.

These signals are your opportunity to tune into your inner knowing and truth, your True North, to make greater life decisions.

Unfortunately, more often than not, we attempt to deny, negotiate, avoid, and/or flat out ignore these internal urgings of higher wisdom.

We talk ourselves into or out of a myriad of things.

We delay the inevitable for just as many reasons or more with our egos bolstered by our will to triumph at all costs.

If you’ve been at the dance too long and you know it, do something about it.

No one is meant to attain self-worth, love, or value at the hands of another.

We are meant to inherently know it.

By giving your decision-making power over to another, you also give them control of your being, your destiny.

Be courageous and have an honest conversation with yourself.

Once you know where YOU truly stand, seek to have the next honest conversation with your mate of four plus years.

Listen to, own, and embrace the inner knowing that spills forth from your honest exchange with one another.

If your soul tells you there is a future together, work to create a mutually agreed upon / beneficial plan to move forward together.

If, however, your soul or his tells you either or both of you have stayed too long at the dance, do the right albeit difficult or challenging thing by extracting yourself from THIS dance so you arrive at your next highest place of being.

By staying comfortable, you deny yourself an innate opportunity to grow and evolve both as individuals and as a couple.

Allow your soul to demonstrate its innate ability to empower, inspire, and transcend; co-creating the life of your dreams.
