Focusing On My Love Life

Photo Credit: Bildagentur Zoonar/Shutterstock©️ Focusing On My Love Life LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS DECISION/INDECISION DearJames, I’m focusing on my love life and want to know if I’m making right choices or wait. Masau Dear Focusing On My Love Life, Patience is a virtue, or so the saying goes. At issue here is the need for more information. […]

With Someone New

Photo Credit: YanLev/Shutterstock©️ With Someone New LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS HAPPINESS/HOPE/PASSION/JOY DearJames, Am I going to be happy with the man I’m with for the rest of my life, or with someone new? Angie Dear With Someone New, At the heart of your question lies the answer, YOU. Happiness with yourself and another is something you choose […]

What To Do To Have Happiness

Photo Credit: Vdovichenko Denis/Shutterstock©️ What To Do To Have Happiness LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS SELF-VALUE/WORTH/CONFIDENCE DearJames, I am currently in love with someone who does not love me the same way, but I have to be around him and have him in my life. He has me around almost everyday, and is intimate, but I’m lonely and […]

Sticking Through This

Photo Credit: T photography/Shutterstock©️ Sticking Through This LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS DECISION/INDECISION DearJames, I have known this man for 15 years and we have both been married, had kids, but always seem to find our way back to each other.  Last year, we reconnected and admitted that we love each other.  For almost a whole year, things […]

Going Insane

Photo Credit: alphaspirit/Shutterstock©️ Going Insane DATING/RELATIONSHIPS ACCOUNTABILITY/RESPONSIBILITY LIFE DIRECTION/PURPOSE DearJames, I have been in a relationship for quite some time now. At first it was beautiful, until I found out about online infidelity. I called him out on it, more than once, finding that he talks to me the same way he does the other […]

Is This A Test

Photo Credit: muratart/Shutterstock©️ Is This A Test LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS PAST/FUTURE DearJames, I am madly, deeply, in love with my boyfriend who is amazing. I want to know if he is my soulmate. I feel like I’ve known him forever. We have so much in common, and he is the first person I can be myself […]

Big Dreamer

Photo Credit: Marlon Lopez MMG1 Design/Shutterstock©️ Big Dreamer LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS SPOUSE/PARTNER/SIGNIFICANT OTHER DearJames, I am a divorced single mother, successful business owner, 46-years old, and I wonder if I will ever find love again. I have been on dating websites but I don’t connect with anyone. What am I doing wrong? I want to meet […]

Check To Check

Photo Credit: Cat_arch_angel/Shutterstock©️ Check To Check MONEY/DEBT/FINANCES DATING/RELATIONSHIPS LIFE DIRECTION/PURPOSE DearJames, I’m finally seeing things that have held me back in my career, making money, love, and relationships. I’m brutally honest with myself. Now I just feel the need to know if I will ever make GREAT money again, so that I can provide ALL […]

My Next Move

Photo Credit: Jaywarren79/Shutterstock©️ My Next Move LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS TRUST/DISTRUST DearJames, What should my next move be to improve my love life? Anonymous Dear My Next Move, The winds of retreat and relaxation are calling your name. It’s easy to get caught up in the game, especially when we are talking about romance. As a goal […]

Love Life

Photo Credit: iQoncept/Shutterstock©️ Love Life LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS OPPORTUNITY DearJames, Will I be with a new soulmate or reunited with the last? Happy Blessed Redhead Dear Love Life, The 80’s game show Win, Lose or Draw is popping to the forefront. Inevitably, it was up to one member to draw their way to a successful answer […]