Photo Credit: FuzzBones/Shutterstock©️
So Stressed Out
How will my finances turn out? How will my son make out in his situation? How much longer will I be so stressed out?
Dear So Stressed Out,
The winds of change are upon everyone, stirring up uncomfortable feelings of doubt, drudgery, and despair.
While every aspect in your current living situation feels like an atomic bomb going off every three seconds, rest assured, this too shall pass.
This stirring up of the old ways, thoughts, belief patterns, events, emotions, etc. that’s been ongoing for some time now is coming to an end around mid June.
Adios! Arrivederci! Adieu!
A more positive, unbridled, unencumbered “new way of living” will arrive, ushering in a new era.
And a new era, mandates, letting go of the past.
While it may feel like there’s a high price to pay for this newfound freedom, liberation, joy, and happiness, in all actuality, It’s PRICELESS!
Reason not with your son’s circumstances as they will take a turn for the worse before they miraculously take a turn for the better.
The same goes for your financial situation. Only after being squeezed so thoroughly, where it feels like there is just nothing left, will things unexpectedly lighten.
So goes the way of this new era, time, and way of being.
In the coming days and months, affirm ways to flow and work with this new energy.
Embrace this knowledge and utilize it to your advantage.
Knowledge is Power as they say, and you are being given great insight into how to navigate this transition, so you endure the least amount of suffering.
The more you stay fluid, forgiving, and flow with this new energy, the better off you will be.
Remember, life operates in cycles, thus new beginnings follow every ending.
If you don’t like the way things are at any given moment, just wait, as they will most certainly change.
And that’s a Guarantee, Compliments of The Universe!