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Feel So Lonely


I am a widow and my mom just died. I have been trying to meet a nice guy on a dating network: so maybe I won’t feel so lonely: but l am not sure I want to. I miss having someone: what should I do?


Dear Feel So Lonely,

One of the greatest mistakes you can make (aka lessons you will learn) is to pursue a relationship for all the wrong reasons when you really aren’t ready.

Pursuing a relationship under those conditions will immediately attract the wrong kind of person and that should be avoided at all costs.

Like attracts like.

Having recently lost your mother, you are looking to fill an emotional void or loss by filling it with the company of a stranger.  The problem with this proposition is the person is indeed a stranger and their true intentions are unknown to you.

You are experiencing so many emotions at this time that to introduce additional ones, with uncertain outcomes, will simply add fuel to an already deeply burning fire.

Now is the time to retreat into yourself so you can truly know yourself and solidify your foundation for the future.

Retreat, not as into a fortress whereby you build up walls around yourself, but rather as in to discover yourself.

Only by spending quality time with yourself, your soul-self, do you truly come to know thy self.

Often, we attempt to eradicate our fear, pain, and loneliness by seeking solace and comfort externally, in others, only to be disappointed later for not having sought salvation internally.

When you are in a state of heightened vulnerability, you are wise to draw strength from that which resides within you, your higher-self, spirit-self, God-self.

This is the source of all life, all fulfillment, and it is never dependent upon another.  On the contrary, its sole purpose is your inner peace, happiness, and wellbeing.

Once you embrace this understanding and exercise dominion over self-fulfillment you will no longer seek salvation and fulfillment externally as it will be a mighty well of sustenance that springs forth internally.

When you then seek to engage the company and companionship of others, it will be from a place of clarity, consciousness, wholeness.

Listen to the voice within you that’s telling you, you are not ready.  It is a mighty voice of wisdom lovingly leading you to a place of inner strength, peace, knowing, prosperity, and empowerment. And that is a wonderful place from which to see and experience life, share the company of others, and experience the world around you.
