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Opposite Of A Star
Is a black hole the opposite of a star?
Dear Opposite Of A Star,
Based solely upon physics, the answer would be No.
However, speaking from a more metaphysical perspective, perhaps one would contemplate is it where stars go to die and be reborn? All of existence is in fact energy: mutable, changing, forming, and reforming, coalescing, energy.
Energy can never be destroyed, only transmuted.
Physicists state that some black holes are created when a star burns through the last of its energy, or in the case of larger stars, collapses in upon itself. One could argue from a theoretical perspective that a black hole is opposite a star, as it has “lost its energy or “brilliance” if-you-will.
However, as one may be intimately linked with the other, meaning, when a star causes or creates a black hole, it expresses its other nature by becoming it. Think caterpillar to butterfly. In that, they are both one and the same yet different.
Thus, through metamorphosis, both stars and black holes contribute to an ongoing continuum of regeneration, renewal, and sustainability.
Something to ponder as Science and Spirituality continue their dance of destiny between, polarity (Opposites) and synergy (Oneness).
Neither is incongruent with the other. There is much science has proven, and a plethora it has yet to explain/prove/disprove and yet exists. We simply “know what we know, until we know.”
May the Force / Source of All be with us.