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Want To Be Me Again


Will I ever find peace in my life and at work and be able to stop soaking up the negative energy around me? I want to be me again and not a product of what life has dealt me.


Dear Want To Be Me Again,

It’s important for you to understand upfront, that you are not a product of what life has dealt you; you are a product of the life you have created and dealt yourself.  You co-create your own individual reality every moment of every day, based on every thought, feeling, belief, action, inaction and choice you make.

If you truly desire a different and better reality for yourself, you must begin by accepting responsibility for all of your choices thus far in life.  They are yours and no one else made them for you.

While childhood experiences and circumstances certainly play a role in your development and the way in which you see the world and your place in it, by the time you reach adulthood, you are exactly that, an adult, who has the innate freedom and ability to choose differently, believe differently, demand of yourself differently.

You and you alone hold the keys to the freedoms you seek: Freedom from negative thoughts and forces, freedom from victimhood and freedom from inner turmoil and frustration.

Your external experiences in life, at home and work, with others, etc., are all direct reflections of your inner beliefs, feelings and thoughts about yourself.  By “soaking up” the negative energy around you, you are absolutely re-affirming and reinforcing your attachment to victimhood and lack.

How easy it is to say, it’s all happening to me, I have no control or participation, no accountability, no voice.  This deniability is deafening and it renders you powerless to change that which you clearly do not like.

Empower yourself to be the woman / soul you know you desire to be.  Match your desires with uncompromising determination.  Willfully remove yourself from negative and toxic people, places and experiences.

Be incredibly mindful of your every thought, action, belief and feeling, both of others and yourself.  When you are in negative territory, immediately STOP and PIVOT to positive and empowering thoughts, feelings and beliefs.

Believe you are worth more than victimhood.  Know that you control every life experience you have and that people only ever treat you the way you allow them to. Thank your inner-self for the lessons of self-worth and self-value she has taught you thus far, as she has awakened within you a deep-seated desire to be more.

Then realize the ability to find peace and positivity in life lies within you.  Choose it and it shall be yours.
