Just Trying Another Fix

Photo Credit: Michael715/Shutterstock©️ Just Trying Another Fix CHILD/CHILDREN COMMUNICATION/MISCOMMUNICATION ABUSE/ABANDONMENT/NEGLECT DearJames, My grown daughter hasn’t completely dealt with her childhood sexual abuse, and I’m concerned about the choices she’s currently making in her life. What will it take for her to see that all her perfectionistic attempts at happiness aren’t the answer, and she may […]
Seem To Be Blocked

Photo Credit: EvgeniiAnd/Shutterstock©️ Seem To Be Blocked COMMUNICATION/MISCOMMUNICATION DATING/RELATIONSHIPS BREAKUP/SEPARATION/DIVORCE DearJames, I would like to know what’s going on in my relationship. I really don’t understand. We seem to be blocked and there’s no communication and I can’t pick up his vibration. We did discuss going our own separate ways; however, he acts like he […]
Fix This Situation

Photo Credit: Antonova Ganna/Shutterstock©️ Fix This Situation CHILD/CHILDREN COMMUNICATION/MISCOMMUNICATION FORGIVENESS DearJames, I’ve had a falling out with my son, my only child. His wife hates me and says I’m never allowed to see my grandchildren again. EVER. It’s been over four months since I’ve seen them, and I’m blocked in every way from contacting them. […]
He Could Be It!

Photo Credit: Artush/Shutterstock©️ He Could Be It! LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS COMMUNICATION/MISCOMMUNICATION DearJames, Over the past 4-months I’ve developed a wonderful friendship with a man who happens to be a neighbor. We have so much in common. There is such ease and comfort in our friendship, and as a bonus, he and my son adore one another. […]
Highest Good

Photo Credit: Barashkova Natalia/Shutterstock©️ Highest Good CHILD/CHILDREN COMMUNICATION/MISCOMMUNICATION LIFE DIRECTION/PURPOSE DearJames, I’m not sure what is going on with my young adult son. Why is he choosing his current path? How can I support his growth for the highest good? Anonymous Dear Highest Good, There are no mistakes in life. Every act and experience are […]
Breakup Makeup Couple

Photo Credit: senticus/Shutterstock©️ Breakup Makeup Couple COMMUNICATION/MISCOMMUNICATION BREAKUP/SEPARATION/DIVORCE OPPORTUNITY DearJames, Becoming a breakup, makeup, couple again. I’m so distraught seeing every side and I’m so confused and losing any sight of any lesson. Is it me? Is it him? Is it meant to be but my insecurity ruins all? Who’s at fault by truly withholding […]
I’m Tired

Photo Credit: morrison77/Shutterstock©️ I’m Tired BREAKUP/SEPARATION/DIVORCE COMMUNICATION/MISCOMMUNICATION ACCOUNTABILITY/RESPONSIBILITY DearJames, I have written to you once before. The charade is still going on. I want to separate from my husband of 12-years, however, he said that he loves me and wants to work on things. I am not interested anymore after he blames me for what […]
Alone In The House

Photo Credit: Dutourdumonde Photography/Shutterstock©️ Alone In The House IN-LAW(S) ABUSE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS DearJames, I was not born into a loving, supportive family so I wouldn’t know what one looks like. I give my heart whole heartedly and am always surprised when I am betrayed or find out I am not cared about as equally as I […]
Hard Times

Photo Credit: Kolopach/Shutterstock©️ Hard Times COMMUNICATION/MISCOMMUNICATION SPOUSE/PARTNER/SIGNIFICANT OTHER LIFE DIRECTION/PURPOSE DearJames, My husband and I have been having a lot of negative energy which has caused a lot of petty fights: sometimes out of control. This is my second marriage and his first. I have three girls, ages 20, 17 and 8, and a grandson […]
These Two Men

Photo Credit: Renato Arap/Shutterstock©️ These Two Men PAST/FUTURE INFIDELITY COMMUNICATION/MISCOMMUNICATION DearJames, I’m currently married and love my husband but I’m in love with another man who I’ve been seeing for a few months. What does the future hold for me regarding these two men? Anonymous Dear These Two Men, A heaping handful of heartache is […]