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See My Future


Where do you see my future as far as career and relationship.


Dear See My Future,

Life’s frustrations can be a drag, especially when you seem to be getting more than your fair share.

And yet, these purported “frustrations” are actually gifts hidden in disguise.

It’s up to you to hit the pause button long enough to actually see what’s been before you all along.

You would no more get in the car and drive in circles than you would drive about town in reverse.

To go places of benefit you have to look forward with a crystal-clear vision of the landscape before you.

Yearning for something to be without taking the requisite steps to accomplish it ensures you’ll never achieve it.

Success is all about listening to your inner wisdom and having the courage to follow through.

It’s not luck or coincidence that delivers the day, it’s intentional action coupled with blind faith.

Whether it’s a matter of the heart or the home office, the same rules apply.

First and foremost, know what or whom you want and go after it.

Be firm yet fluid, steadfast yet sensible.

If you hit roadblocks or obstacles along the way, heed the messages and course correct.

Ultimately, if your intentions are pure and your will formidable, and you seek only the highest good for all involved, you WILL achieve a sense of success and accomplishment.

Only by leaning into life does life lean into you.

Every thought, action, or inaction is an act of leaning into life.

Ensure your life experiences are triumphs not tragedies by making centered, conscious, and kind choices.

Once you come to master this, you’ll have mastered your future, for you’ll realize you are already living the life you dared to dream.
