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Is He Using Me


I feel like my boyfriend is cheating on me, using me, and really doesn’t want to be with me. He’s always lying to me. Always putting himself first. And when a friend calls, he jumps right up and leaves and then gets mad when I go with him.

My question is, does he want to be with me because he cares for me, or is he using me because he has nowhere to go?


Dear Is He Using Me,

Escapism is a tough act to follow, especially when you’re in a relationship.

It’s not so much that he’s using you, as it is that he’s become bored with the way things are between you. Too much humdrum, life responsibilities, lack of attention, details, and interests / opportunities are clouding his judgment, which in turn is causing him to “act out.”

His frustration stems from wanting to be free, not free of you. You could both use some quality time together, and apart. It’s time to shake things up, create new routines, and make life more interesting again.

Romance and interest are held when each party takes a proactive role in their co-creation. Once you become complacent, people begin to wander and look for excitement elsewhere.

Human beings are creatures of habit. They typically fail to encourage, embrace, and initiate change. They usually find themselves far adrift from where and what they truly want and desire in life. They end up making choices that avoid the issue(s) by making choices that create more issues as opposed to solving them.

What you need is an honest conversation. Discern if there is mutual interest to remain in this relationship. Discuss how his current behavior is making you feel and be open to hearing the same from him. Should both of you decide you wish to continue the relationship, create new ways of being together, while also creating new experiences that are just for you.

Time together. Time apart. Mutual respect and a whole lot of clear communication. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

You’ll recognize that change is necessary and essential. It keeps the energy fresh and exciting. It keeps us interested and engaged in life. In time, having embraced and initiated all this change, you’ll know whether he too has changed or whether he simply remains out of convenience.

It takes two to tango, so, if he changes with you, wonderful.  If he doesn’t, you’ll know what to do. Life is about living!!! So, LIVE! LIVE! LIVE!
