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Happily Single


I am happily single. Just curious if that is how my life will continue.


Dear Happily Single,

Happiness is a state-of-mind.

Happily Single, is an expression of that state-of-mind in the present moment.

Continuing that way is a choice. A decision you will continually make every moment of every day of your life. The same is true for Happily Partnered, Happily Married, and Happily Divorced.

In every instant, happiness is a CHOICE.

Thus, when your heart and soul find themselves ready to embark on yet another great adventure, which it’s signaling it is, you may just find yourself HAPPY period, foregoing any further narrative or descriptor. And that is most definitely the direction your soul wishes to take you.

So, remain open, happy, and ready to receive. Be fearless as all of life is to be lived and embraced to the fullest. You wouldn’t have it any other way, and neither would The Universe.

Something tells me there’s more to come, more on the horizon. How happy indeed.
