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My Love Life


Will my current boyfriend love me and marry me??


Dear My Love Life,

Inherent in your question is the understanding and knowing that he may not actually love you and thus you will not marry.

Why would you want to marry this man when you have such knowledge and beliefs?

This is a serious question you must ask yourself as it has nothing to do with him and everything to do with you, your self-esteem, self-worth, self-value.

You are far more worthy than you give yourself credit.

Every human being is worthy of authentic, genuine, unconditional LOVE.

Every human being IS love: you need not yearn for it externally.

You are no exception to these rules.

You need not beg or wonder if this man truly loves you as it should be readily apparent by his words, actions, expressions, and deeds.

Do not settle for less than you truly, truly, deserve and desire.

By settling or yearning for external validity of love, you give away your inherent power and eviscerate your value.

Look in the mirror and tell your self every day how worthy and loved you are. How you are love. How you are perfect and evolving.

Then take a good long hard look at this man and your relationship and ask yourself this simple question:

Am I done with this lesson?

If you are, give thanks while propelling yourself out of this relationship while at the same time delivering yourself to a new place of empowered self-wisdom, self-care, acceptance, and value.

There you will find the keys to the kingdom of love for you will have come to know that they reside within you.

And you will never seek to ask if any man will love or marry you again, for you will know your own truth and worthiness and that of your mate, partner, husband.

Shine Bright Like A Diamond!
