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Receive My Disability


Will I Receive my disability?


Dear Receive My Disability,

Yes, you will receive your disability, however, it won’t be without additional heartache, delay, and pain and suffering. Obstacles currently stand in the way of you receiving the benefits you are both entitled to and have petitioned the state or courts for.

Unfortunately, bureaucratic red tape, and a person in a position of power, is not only delaying and elongating the process, he/she is willfully blocking/denying it. You may need to invoke the courts and / or the appeal process to achieve a victorious outcome.

Fight the good fight. DO NOT give up under any circumstance.

Continue to present all the facts in a diligent, well-documented, articulate manner. Stay steadfast in your pursuit of and commitment to what is rightfully yours, knowing that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Ultimately, this is more a lesson of self-value / self-worth, than it will ever be about entitlement, injury, loss, or betrayal.

Expect to see positive movement and resolution within the coming year.

Many Blessings To You,
