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Here With Me


Is my Daddy here with me?


Dear Here With Me,

Yes, he is with you in more ways than you can possibly imagine.

He is with you when you’re sleeping and when your thoughts carry you away.

In every hope, dream, and desire awaiting another day.

He watches from the bleachers when he feels like blending in.

And from his favorite window seat time and time again.

He’s in every memory. Every word that you bring forth.

Every emotion that stirs within you. Every ounce of self-value and self-worth.

Sending signs of joy and laughter from heaven down to earth.

And simple acts of forgiveness for all that life is worth.

He is hidden in every moment from its beginning to its end.

Reminders sent from heaven. Heavy hearts are on the mend.

His presence is a constant. A powerful expression of his love.

Never ending and enduring like a well-worn cherished glove.

Noting every milestone, occasion, and simple act.

His presence all around you is simply a fact.

Worry not if you cannot see him as things like this take time.

Like the turning of these simple words into this epoch rhyme.

Be open and aware and receptive to the signs.

As he seeks to speak with you in ways that stand the test of time.

Your journey is not over. It has barely yet begun.

Allow him these simple truths, these demonstrations of togetherness and fun.

Fond moments and memories you’ll embrace along the way.

For yesterday is a given while the gifts of tomorrow occur today.

Always and Forever…Daddy
