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Will I Find Someone
Will I find someone to love and be loved by, soon?
Dear Will I Find Someone,
The mystery to this answer lies within.
The notion of “loving oneself” is written, spoken, and talked about more than any other Self-Help concept, and with good reason.
Equally, the overall understanding of the message is also universally lost on its recipients.
Loving oneself is all about realizing YOU ARE LOVE, and then loving yourself more, enough, differently.
Love is not extraneous from you, nor will it be found in or wholly satisfied by another.
To feel, give, receive, and accept love, you must first embrace and accept that YOU ARE LOVE, period.
When you resonate with this simple yet profound truth, your world will be forever changed for the better.
You will no longer long for love or feel the depths of its absence in your being.
You will come to enjoy your own company first and that of others second.
You will come to greatly value and appreciate that which has been there all along, your soul-source connection-relationship, and the deep abiding love it affords.
From this renewed place of EMPOWERMENT, UNDERSTANDING, and KNOWING, forgiveness spills forth.
Forgiveness of self and others for overlooking, not recognizing, and/or dismissing this innate, treasured, relationship and well of continual, limitless love.
A relationship and well that affords keen awareness, fulfillment, levity, identity, joy, peace.
The world becomes your oyster, forever leaving behind you all previous thoughts and feelings of lack, loneliness, and despair.
In this newfound space is where you will find and connect with the purity of your being, its intentions and the desires that are to be born.
Intentions and desires that reflect your Soul.
The greater you love yourself, the higher you soar, all while attracting a life-partner worthy of your company.
And that is a lofty perch from which to find someone…Soon.