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Will I


Will I be set for life? Will I live near my grandchildren? Will I get well? I have chronic pain/anxiety/panic attacks.

Will I be with my husband? My husband is a shaman; is there room for me in his life?


Dear Will I,

Every question you ask can be interpreted and answered from two perspectives, literally and figuratively.

While you are speaking of a settlement or windfall, are you not already “set for life?” And if not, why not? Being set for life is as much a state of mind as it is physical or monetary in nature. There are those that appear to have nothing in the way of physical, monetary, or modern assets and yet they are rich beyond measure. They are set for life simply by their nature, outlook, and beliefs.

Will you be set for life? No, not in the way you mean or envision. However, that doesn’t mean that what you do receive won’t go a long way in bringing you greater comfort and peace of mind. That said, there is still a lot of work to do on your part.

Living near your grandchildren is also relative as who’s to say that proximity naturally derives closeness. You could be clear around the globe and still forge a tight-knit, unbreakable bond and connection with them. Likewise, you could live in the same town and never see each other.

Will you live near your grandchildren? That doesn’t appear to be a long-term solution for various known reasons, however, that doesn’t mean you won’t have your fair share of both long and short visits. Make each moment together memorable and all the other times in between.

The same goes for being in a state of harmony, balance, and oneness with your husband. When aligned, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Individual deeds, actions, and desires need not separate what is joined by divine will and covenant. When it is so desired by each, so shall it be.

Will you be with your husband? It appears there are many issues that weigh on and effect this union. Perhaps by committing to, focusing on, and bringing about earnest changes in these other areas of your life, you bring about a renewed levity to this union.

Clinical and psychological studies routinely demonstrate the power the mind has over individual health and wellness. The placebo effect is but one such example. The point is not in any way to minimize your specific health experiences, but rather to open you to alternate mindsets, modalities, and opportunities that lead to hopeful remedies and outcomes.

Will you get well?  Yes, you will. However, again, you are responsible for your overall health and wellbeing. Medical professionals, organizations, etc. can assist, however, the real work is yours to perform. Commit to making the mental, emotional, and physical lifestyle changes necessary to manifest the outcome you desire.

Perhaps the greatest takeaway is to replace “Will I,” with “I Am.”
