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Where Is My Place
My life seems to be closing in on me. I live in the UK. Last year I sold my old flat in Poland where I was born. It seemed like a good idea at the time. I did not have a clear idea where or how to invest the money following the sale. Subsequently I had a very intense period of 5 months thinking about it and not finding a solution. I cannot really buy anything on my own in the UK. The worry of losing the money or not being able to buy another home feels real.
A friend who I am currently sharing an apartment with, in the UK, who sold her house 3 years ago and did not reinvest money either, suggested that we buy something together, but I am not sure this is a good idea. Financially it would make sense, but I am not sure that my future is in Sheffield, UK. In addition to the changes re: home, my work has announced a restructure, and I am worried about losing my job. I am not clear about my next steps. Where do I belong? where is my place?
Dear Where Is My Place,
Portugal is sounding really good right now. There is something and possibly someone calling you, beckoning you forward; to move forward. You have held yourself back long enough, too long really, and now it is time for you to stand in the sunlight again. Fresh breezes on your face. The warmth of the sun upon your back. Clarity, oh sweet clarity within. And with clarity comes ever-greater love, joy, expansion, and readiness for what comes next.
It is not that you haven’t been looking, lord knows you have. However, you’ve been looking in all the wrong or familiar places with an emphasis on looking backward, not forward. You can no more run from the past than you can to your future; they are one in the same for “everywhere you go, there you are.”
Take time to sit with all of this. The past. The present. The future. What you want. What you don’t want. And most importantly, what you know to be true. What your gut, intuition, instincts, etc. are telling you, guiding you to do versus what your ego-mind-personality, human is telling you, you can or cannot do. Living in the past depletes you. Living in the present…a masterful gift you give yourself.
Should the current job end, see it for the blessing it is. Each event is an opportunity to excel, advance, realign, re-envision…move forward. Where you are meant to be, already is. What is meant for you, is already yours.
Do not spend another moment worrying. Instead, refocus those emotions and energies on listening, connecting, and trusting your soul, your soul-source connection. That is time and energy well spent, well invested. You’ll know the right path and steps to take when it makes you feel the most alive you’ve ever been. Lean into who you are at your center, anything shy of that is open to attack, leaving you vulnerable, exposed, and on shaky ground. There’s more for you, you just need to be willing to rise up to greet, meet it.
And, as well intentioned as your current flat mate is on joining forces to purchase a property, you would be wise to listen to your inner voice telling you, you are not long for where you are. You are being called forward. Now it is simply a matter of trusting that voice and following its wisdom…its guidance. Portugal Anyone?