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Very Rough Year
I have had a very rough year with love, family, marriage, housing and just not knowing what to do or where to turn. I’m just wondering where my life is going and how to get started again?
Dear Very Rough Year,
Sometimes starting at the beginning, as basic, trivial, and easy as that sounds, is the best medicine.
You’ve had a year of cleaning house, both literally and figuratively.
You’ve purged more negativity from your soul than you can shake a stick at and yet you’re saying to yourself seriously, is there really more required of me: When will all this end?
And the simple answer is it all ended the minute you decided to leave and propel yourself forward.
These current experiences are just the remnants of the remaining debris before all the dust settles.
By continuing to place one foot in front of the other while maintaining an optimistic mindset and attitude, you create forward momentum.
Ensuring that you begin each day with stillness and meditation will open your receptors, so you hear the wisdom and guidance the Universe is sending you.
This is a Life Choice not a Fad Diet.
Commitment to your future wellbeing, your happiness, your prosperity, is no joking matter.
NOTHING is more important, and nothing will right your path faster.
When you begin FEELING your way through each moment you will discover the multitude of ways spirit attempts to speak with you.
TRUST the stillness of your inner knowing.
INTENTIONAL determination to not fall prey to your ego-mind-personality is key.
By constantly and routinely fine-tuning your inner dial, your ego will give way and make room for your soul-self / spirit-self to take the lead.
Eventually you will come to lead with your Soul-Self / Spirit-Self and the wonders of abundance that you seemingly create from nowhere will never cease to amaze you.
It’s our limiting beliefs and lack of willpower and discipline that holds us back and keeps us from realizing our true potential.
Begin at the Beginning, and the rest you’ll come to see, is history.