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Unconditional Love


Will I be able to raise my three boys? Can I show them the unconditional love I have for them?


Dear Unconditional Love,

No matter the distance, near or far, or the circumstance, full, shared or no custody, love knows no boundary.

Unconditional love is limitless, dependent only unto itself.

Love unconditionally to be unconditional in your love.

Feel it, Breathe it, Be it, Offer it, and those you direct it to will certainly feel and receive the profound presence and impact of it in their lives.

It’s in the writings of love stories, your love for each son, and the written words indelible marks upon each soul.

It’s in the tender touch, hug, and embrace each time you are with one another that reinforces the depth, commitment, and security your love provides.

It’s in the gentle glances and kind reassurances heard in your voice. In times of discipline, loneliness, or self-doubt, where you wield wisdom and discernment rather than judgement that your unconditional love is demonstrated and fortified.

They need not be present to feel your presence, your unconditional love.

Love with all your heart and soul knowing the outcome is irrelevant as love transcends all and knows no barrier.

Never abandon your commitment to unconditional love, if anything, double down on it, showering yet more love unto all, including yourself.

Love conquers all.

So, whether you raise your three sons as you hope, dream, and desire to, or alternate circumstances prevail, simply love them unconditionally, regardless.

It’s in your DNA, each being a part of the other, that your shared soul-bond is felt.

It’s in the continuity of your love that they come to bear witness to and understand the act and meaning of unconditional love.

It’s what’s in your heart that they will come to feel in their own.

And wield it not as a weapon of choice or as something to be meted out in a cyclical game of cat and mouse, but rather as it is in its original form, Pure, Eternal, and Limitless.
