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Tired & Afraid


I am 47. I have always felt lost even though I have a seemingly put together life. I think I constantly think of death. I feel I’m going to die soon every ache and pain scares me. I notice every new line on my face, and I feel like I look much older than I am. With this I feel like I will be rejected by men and or eventually rejected for no longer being young and desirable.

I know this is wrong, but it is something I can’t shake. I suffer with anxiety over my health and youth. I have aches and pains and feel weak and tired most of the time. I feel my looks reflect this, what is this? What is to become of me? I am about to begin a new relationship with an ex that I have not seen in 20 years. I’m afraid. I’m tired and afraid.

lost inside myself

Dear Tired & Afraid,

Fear is a terribly debilitating force, energy, until it’s not.

At work here is the effects of multi-incarnational residue (past lives) whereby in past lifetimes you lauded ridicule and judgment upon others based on your own distorted superiority of youth and beauty.

You treated others poorly in these previous incarnations and now you are experiencing the effects of those actions.

Your fear and anxiety over losing it, life, beauty, youth, is a direct result of your actions as the perpetrator in those previous lifetimes.

Until you come to see, by your own hand, the suffering this belief system wrought upon others, you aren’t able to overcome it.

The key to your redemption is in the earnest forgiveness of yourself.

By seeing the innate beauty that lies within all souls irrespective of their external, physical makeup, you come to see the beauty of God and the Universe in All Things.

For God & The Universe are All Knowing, Loving, Powerful, and inherent in All Things.

Past life karma is tricky, only in the sense that it serves to rebalance the scales, positive or negative, that wasn’t balanced in those lifetimes respectively, in the current time continuum.

Practice consistent acts of recognition by finding beauty in everything you see, feel, taste, touch, and experience.

Find beauty in the lines upon your face as they have made you who you are: a being with a soul who is achieving greater depth, wisdom, courage, and enlightenment.

Find beauty in death as it is but a portal for the continuation of the soul.

You think about and fear death because you despised its unstoppable presence, effects, and arrival in your previous incarnation(s).

In other words, death is the villain who took your livelihood, beauty, and supreme arrogance and “power” away, thus you fear death.

Once you see that fear of death is a construct created by your ego-mind-personality because it fears dying – doesn’t want to end, you become fearless because you realize your soul-self continues.

Ego-Mind-Personality will always conjure up fear as a means of protecting the self unless and until you learn to tame it.

Death is an illusion.

By owning, atoning, and releasing your participation in these past lifetimes, you free your past, present, and future selves.

Embrace this understanding with all your being as it will ultimately liberate you from the tyranny of your yesterdays todays, and tomorrows.
