Guilt Free

Photo Credit: Nataliya Ostapenko/Shutterstock©️ Guilt Free MONEY/DEBT/FINANCES FAITH/RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY WORK/EMPLOYMENT/CAREER DearJames, I was raised Catholic and have always “believed” outside of the religion because of what I felt (just knew) on the inside. I have always followed a high honor code that is mine only, meaning I set it for myself and do not expect anyone […]
Made A Big Move

Photo Credit: Sarawut Aiemsinsuk/Shutterstock©️ Made A Big Move MONEY/DEBT/FINANCES PAST/FUTURE WORK/EMPLOYMENT/CAREER DearJames, I have an upcoming surgery on my left elbow. Twenty-seven years ago, I had a surgery on same elbow, where a plastic implant was put in place of the radial head. That has now deteriorated and needs to be removed. Nerves are being […]
Love, Money, & Travel

Photo Credit: avian/Shutterstock©️ Love, Money, & Travel LOVE MONEY/DEBT/FINANCES TRAVEL DearJames, What can you tell me about Love, Money, & Travel? Len Dear Love, Money, & Travel, You’re meant to take an exotic trip / vacation, however, you most likely will not do so, more out of lack of will, than wallet. You’re stuck in […]
Seeking Advice

Photo Credit: ChameleonsEye/Shutterstock©️ Seeking Advice WORK/EMPLOYMENT/CAREER DATING/RELATIONSHIPS MONEY/DEBT/FINANCES DearJames, Please advise on the above three areas (career, dating, debt) in my life now. Thanks! mbg Dear Seeking Advice, You are currently experiencing a trifecta of unrealized dreams, disappointments, and disillusionment. How can everything be so right, and yet be so, so, wrong is the question […]
Seeing RED!

Photo Credit: Petrunovskyi/Shutterstock©️ Seeing RED! MONEY/DEBT/FINANCES DECISION/INDECISION LIFE DIRECTION/PURPOSE DearJames, In my experience, it is hard for those in creative fields, to achieve their full potential while they are suffocating under the stress and depression of severe financial problems. It seems to crush my artistic and creative talent, in addition to causing more problems to […]
Money Problems

Photo Credit: nodff/Shutterstock©️ Money Problems LIFE MONEY/DEBT/FINANCES PAST/FUTURE DearJames, Will I be able to solve all my money problems? Anonymous Dear Money Problems, The answer to your question is both Yes and No, for you will be able to resolve matters, however, it won’t be in the manner or way in which you currently envisage. […]
Frustrated Flip-Flopper

Photo Credit: ElStrie/Shutterstock©️ Frustrated Flip-Flopper WORK/EMPLOYMENT/CAREER MONEY LIFE DIRECTION/PURPOSE DearJames, I’m not understanding why, at the age of 45 (and a half), that I’m still going from one soul-sucking job to another. Sure, I’ve been told that I have a so-called gift of writing (apparently due to that virgo-sun-virgo-rising-gemini-at-the-top-of-the-chart-and-mercury-in-libra-in-my-second-house business). Still, I’ve never been able […]
Money & Love

Photo Credit: SujaImages/Shutterstock©️ Money & Love MONEY WORK/EMPLOYMENT/CAREER LOVE DearJames, Will I be successful in money and love? Nancy Dear Money & Love, The short answer is YES, you can and will be successful. The caveat is in keeping your insecurities in check. You’ve had life experiences that have caused you to second guess a […]
Making It All Happen

Photo Credit: Hermann Eske/Shutterstock©️ Making It All Happen LIFE DIRECTION/PURPOSE WORK/EMPLOYMENT/CAREER MONEY DearJames, How do I take my career to the next level? How do I have it ALL????? Anonymous Dear Making It All Happen, First and foremost, you must define “All” within “yourself,” so that you may manifest your truest vision and belief of […]