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Seeing RED!


In my experience, it is hard for those in creative fields, to achieve their full potential while they are suffocating under the stress and depression of severe financial problems. It seems to crush my artistic and creative talent, in addition to causing more problems to occur while not being proactive in working toward finding resolutions.

In my current situation and on several past occasions, I am trying to consolidate and take advantage of the low interest rates and better lending terms & options available. However, I always come close, BUT it seems I am missing the mark as the lenders are still requiring a co-signer, AND that is one of my main concerns on the current loans, eliminating the co-signer, from the burden of debt.

I hope your advice here can help me find solution(s) and lead me to a much better future.


Dear Seeing RED!,

The Universe and I empathize with your circumstance(s) and predicament, however, you must come to understand and accept your role in the creation of the position you currently find yourself.

Lenders require co-signors only when they believe the principal borrower / purchaser lacks sufficient credit history on their own, and/or has a lower FICO credit score and/or does not qualify on their own, i.e. insufficient income to existing debt ratio for the purchase or additional purchase being made or refinanced.

By allowing your desires to exceed your means, you have created undue stress in your life.  By adding a co-signor to your account(s) you compounded the stress and are now subject to their whims, demands and influences.

Of course I know you already know all of this, however, the point you may have missed is that you need to transition from a place of victimhood to a place of empowerment; and the only way to do that is to surrender and start over again.

From this day forward, make a commitment to yourself that you will only seek to purchase that which you have the means to purchase by your own hand and creation.  In other words, don’t live outside your means.

Know, set and live by reasonable boundaries, for all boundaries in moderation, serve a great purpose.  They are foundational and allow you to thrive instead of trying to figure out how to survive when you have exceeded them or had none to begin with.

Your creative / artistic endeavors will flourish once you are in balance and sync with both yourself and the world you are creating on a daily basis.  By starting over…you thrive.

Now, I’m not advocating that you default on your current obligations, however, it may be time to sell that which you are truly not able to carry on your own, thereby adjusting your living environment and monthly monetary burdens so that the natural flow of life flows with your creative talents and spirit as opposed to against it.

You keep coming up “short” because you are really meant to relieve yourself of these many burdens and start over with a clean, fresh, boundary appropriate slate.  While this may seem incredibly daunting, agonizing or even torturous, like you are just being punished further, it is only your ego that would tell you so.

How truly liberating it is, to relieve your self of these burdens, so as to achieve a greater sense of purpose, freedom and peace.  What a gift you will be giving yourself and the others you have come to rely upon who co-signed for you.

What can you sell, give away, donate or bin?  Begin there and watch the rest of the magic transform you from the inside…Out.  You’ll be more fluid, creative, liberated and empowered than you can possibly realize, you just need to be willing to set your self FREE.
