What Should I Do

Photo Credit: Triff/Shutterstock©️ What Should I Do WORK/EMPLOYMENT/CAREER LOVE LIFE DearJames, What should I do to have financial stability, find true love, own my own home, and find peace within? Anonymous Dear What Should I Do, First and Foremost, Surrender to your Soul. Only by surrendering to your soul will you truly begin to experience […]
Take Care Of Me

Photo Credit: Olga Korneeva/Shutterstock©️ Take Care Of Me MONEY/DEBT/FINANCES DATING/RELATIONSHIPS LOVE DearJames, Will I find another wonderful, loving, wealthy man to take care of me. Sukie Dear Take Care Of Me, Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. Intentions coupled with intense desire is a very powerful combination. And you […]
Find True Love

Photo Credit: Super Prin/Shutterstock©️ Find True Love FAITH/RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY LOVE SELF-VALUE/WORTH/CONFIDENCE DearJames, Will I ever find true love? Anonymous Dear Find True Love, Define “true love.” Its very definition escapes you because its essence is forever changing within you. Defining characteristics of true love in your teen years is different from that of every decade that […]
Mind, Body, & Spirit

Photo Credit: Sogno Lucido/Shutterstock©️ Mind, Body, & Spirit DATING/RELATIONSHIPS LOVE FAITH/RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY DearJames, Is it possible to connect on all levels, mind, body, and spirit? I have been single for over two years, not lacking in attention, but rather that deeper connection. Do I have unrealistic expectations? What is my part in this? Is there a […]
Hoping To Get

Photo Credit: Sam72/Shutterstock©️ Hoping To Get PAST/FUTURE MONEY/DEBT/FINANCES LOVE DearJames, I’m hoping to get a job with more hours, or should I just stay where I am? Also, will love ever find me? Nel Dear Hoping To Get, Think not about more hours or the lack thereof, instead focus your attention and intentions on manifesting […]
When Will It Happen

Photo Credit: Stokkete/Shutterstock©️ When Will It Happen LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS MARRIAGE/ENGAGEMENT/WEDDING DearJames, I am 59 and am wanting to find a good, secure, happy, trusting, and faithful relationship with a man, leading to marriage. When will it happen? Amine aide Dear When Will It Happen, Moments of opportunity come and go like the wind. We know […]
Unconditional Love

Photo Credit: Denis Tabler/Shutterstock©️ Unconditional Love CHILD/CHILDREN OPPORTUNITY LOVE DearJames, Will I be able to raise my three boys? Can I show them the unconditional love I have for them? Anonymous Dear Unconditional Love, No matter the distance, near or far, or the circumstance, full, shared or no custody, love knows no boundary. Unconditional love […]
Lost Its Connection

Photo Credit: gui jun peng/Shutterstock©️ Lost Its Connection PAST/FUTURE LOVE DATING/RELATIONSHIPS DearJames, My relationship seems to have lost its “connection.” Will my relationship thrive/change for the BETTER within the next month or so? Do you see US getting that connection back & the relationship progressing happily or do you see it ending? Anonymous Dear Lost […]
Should I Wait

Photo Credit: antart/Shutterstock©️ Should I Wait LOVE SPOUSE/PARTNER/SIGNIFICANT OTHER SELF-VALUE/WORTH/CONFIDENCE DearJames, I’ve loved a man for 4 years now. We have broken up many times and gotten back together. I want commitment and he wants to be free. He still desires me sexually. Should I wait for him or try to move on even though […]
Feel So Lonely

Photo Credit: szefei/Shutterstock©️ Feel So Lonely LONELINESS LOVE LIFE DearJames, I am a widow and my mom just died. I have been trying to meet a nice guy on a dating network: so maybe I won’t feel so lonely: but l am not sure I want to. I miss having someone: what should I do? […]