Selective Amnesia

Photo Credit: tanyalmera/Shutterstock©️ Selective Amnesia SELF-VALUE/WORTH/CONFIDENCE FAMILY/FRIENDS ABUSE/ABANDONMENT/NEGLECT DearJames, Why is it when I need help, people who I’ve helped in the past get selective amnesia and forget that I was there for them? Why do I continually let myself be used by people? Please help me. Anonymous Dear Selective Amnesia, Every experience and person […]
I Will Never Give Up

Photo Credit: maradon 333/Shutterstock©️ I Will Never Give Up ADOPTION/ADOPTED FAMILY/FRIENDS CHILD/CHILDREN DearJames, I was adopted at the age of two. I have searched very hard for over five years for my last biological sibling, and it would mean a lot to me to find her. I have spent countless hours on the internet searching […]
Can I Let This Hurt Go

Photo Credit: Thoom/Shutterstock©️ Can I Let This Hurt go ABUSE/ABANDONMENT/NEGLECT FORGIVENESS FAMILY/FRIENDS DearJames, Is it normal to love your mother but dislike her at the same time? Is it normal to still be grieving for the loss of my father, both brothers, and my grandparents and yet still hold anger towards my mother who was […]
I Need Some Insight

Photo Credit: Rawpixel/Shutterstock©️ I Need Some Insight ACCOUNTABILITY/RESPONSIBILITY SELF-VALUE/WORTH/CONFIDENCE FAMILY/FRIENDS DearJames, I am writing to you in regards to feeling completely lost and afraid my thoughts and feelings will be detrimental to my current relationship with a nice man. I was married for 25 years, and my ex pretty much rejected me in every way […]
Here With Me

Photo Credit: MorganStudio/Shutterstock©️ Here With Me DEATH FAMILY/FRIENDS FAITH/RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY DearJames, Is my Daddy here with me? Ratcliff Dear Here With Me, Yes, he is with you in more ways than you can possibly imagine. He is with you when you’re sleeping and when your thoughts carry you away. In every hope, dream, and desire awaiting […]
So Stressed Out

Photo Credit: FuzzBones/Shutterstock©️ So Stressed Out MONEY/DEBT/FINANCES ANXIETY/NERVOUSNESS/STRESS FAMILY/FRIENDS DearJames, How will my finances turn out? How will my son make out in his situation? How much longer will I be so stressed out? Anonymous Dear So Stressed Out, The winds of change are upon everyone, stirring up uncomfortable feelings of doubt, drudgery, and despair. […]
Personal Journey

Photo Credit: re_bekka/Shutterstock©️ Personal Journey WORK/EMPLOYMENT/CAREER DREAMS FAMILY/FRIENDS DearJames, I am an artist (Actor/Musician) living in Nashville Tn. I have been working for the past twenty years toward a sustainable career in music. In this past year, many unforeseen opportunities have opened for me in acting and it is something that has brought me joy […]
Life’s Choices

Photo Credit: wacomka/Shutterstock©️ Life’s Choices FAMIY/FRIENDS PAST/FUTURE ANXIETY/NERVOUSNESS/STRESS DearJames, My husband of 23 years recently changed careers and our whole life went into a tailspin. We are having issues financially and our close marriage is no longer close. I have back pain from an accident 14 years ago and because of the choices that were […]
In A Situation

Photo Credit: Jacques PALUT/Shutterstock©️ In A Situation PAST/FUTURE FAMILY/FRIENDS LIFE DIRECTION/PURPOSE DearJames, I’m in a situation where my adult son with mental health issues lives at home. My parents are chronically Ill and are potentially in need of care. I am uncertain what is going on with my own health, and I also have young […]
Taking Care Of My Parents

Photo Credit: albund/Shutterstock©️ Taking Care Of My Parents FAMILY/FRIENDS CAREGIVER/PROVIDER DECISION/INDECISION DearJames, I have been taking care of my parents for several months. I have had thirteen surgeries in ten months and still struggle daily. My husband went to jail for a few months and is out now. I need him to help me with […]