Which Direction Do I Go

Photo Credit: Pavelk/Shutterstock©️ Which Direction Do I go DECISION/INDECISION LIFE DIRECTION/PURPOSE BREAKUP/SEPARATION/DIVORCE DearJames, The Universe appears to be rocking my boat again. I feel as though I’m at a crossroad and am looking for reassurance. Which direction do I go? Anonymous Dear Which Direction Do I Go, UP, you always want to be evolving and […]
Meaningless Relationship

Photo Credit: Christopher Elwell/Shutterstock©️ Meaningless Relationship DECISION/INDECISION DATING/RELATIONSHIPS SELF-VALUE/WORTH/CONFIDENCE DearJames, I love my husband of 12 years and I love a friend of 20 years the same, but my friend is really needy. I’m wondering if he’s taking advantage of my kindness. Is it time to let go of the meaningless relationship? Anonymous Dear Meaningless […]
Four Plus Years

Photo Credit: Ihnatovich Maryia/Shutterstock©️ Four Plus Years MARRIAGE/ENGAGEMENT/WEDDING LIFE DIRECTION/PURPOSE DECISION/INDECISION DearJames, Will my boyfriend of 4+ years ask me to marry him anytime soon? Anonymous Dear Four Plus Years, Being comfortable in life is great until it’s not. During any period of stagnation, our soul stirs, seeking to get our attention. The soul is […]

Photo Credit: Aksenova Natalya/Shutterstock©️ Indecision SPOUSE/PARTNER/SIGNIFICANT OTHER INFIDELITY DECISION/INDECISION DearJames, New love. Indecision as to whether moving in together is the right decision. Is he unfaithful? Anonymous Dear Indecision, If you’re not feeling it yet, don’t do it, it’s as simple as that. And of course, if what you’re really feeling is trepidation, angst, uncertainty, […]
Taking Care Of My Parents

Photo Credit: albund/Shutterstock©️ Taking Care Of My Parents FAMILY/FRIENDS CAREGIVER/PROVIDER DECISION/INDECISION DearJames, I have been taking care of my parents for several months. I have had thirteen surgeries in ten months and still struggle daily. My husband went to jail for a few months and is out now. I need him to help me with […]
Bright Future

Photo Credit: Akaphon/Shutterstock©️ Bright Future PAST/FUTURE DECISION/INDECISION MARRIAGE/ENGAGEMENT/WEDDING DearJames, Is my future looking bright with my soon to be husband? Life Dear Bright Future, Letting go of the past allows you the opportunity of experiencing a bright future. You’ve been holding onto many fears buried in the back of your mind and the bottom of […]
Struggling In The USA

Photo Credit: Piotr Krzeslak/Shutterstock©️ Struggling In The USA DECISION/INDECISION WORK/EMPLOYMENT/CAREER ABUSE/ABANDONMENT/NEGLECT DearJames, My husband and I have moved from Australia to be near my children, which I have been separated from for 15-years because they lived with their father, and I couldn’t afford to come here financially or legally. I have remarried the love of […]
So Why Now

Photo Credit: motorradcbr/Shutterstock©️ So Why Now ABUSE/ABANDONMENT/NEGLECT BREAKUP/SEPARATION/DIVORCE DECISION/INDECISION DearJames, I was married for 11-years. The marriage itself was very challenging. Constant fight about a woman who was his best friend since 7th grade. I tried being her friend because I loved my husband, but it bothered me that he was speaking or texting with […]
Best Option

Photo Credit: Joshua Haviv/Shutterstock©️ Best Option SPOUSE/PARTNER/SIGNIFICANT OTHER BREAKUP/SEPARATION/DIVORCE DECISION/INDECISION DearJames, I have been with my husband for 15-years and married for 14 of them. Last year (exactly a year) we separated for 12 days because of the constant arguing. In those days, he made terrible decisions that are still hurting me. But he believes […]
Am I On The Right Path

Photo Credit: Pikoso.kz/Shutterstock©️ Am I On The Right Path ADDICTION BREAKUP/SEPARATION/DIVORCE DECISION/INDECISION DearJames, I recently left my husband of 11-years. It has been a battle from the very beginning. It was an abusive relationship including alcohol and drugs. My question is am I making the right choice by leaving and planning on divorcing him? I’m […]