Struggling In The USA

Photo Credit: Piotr Krzeslak/Shutterstock©️ Struggling In The USA DECISION/INDECISION WORK/EMPLOYMENT/CAREER ABUSE/ABANDONMENT/NEGLECT DearJames, My husband and I have moved from Australia to be near my children, which I have been separated from for 15-years because they lived with their father, and I couldn’t afford to come here financially or legally. I have remarried the love of […]
Real Or Not Real

Photo Credit: Anna Jurkovska/Shutterstock©️ Real Or Not Real ABUSE/ABANDONMENT/NEGLECT ANXIETY/NERVOUSNESS/STRESS HEALTH DearJames, I am having trouble in my mind. I don’t know what is real or not real in my mind. I need guidance. Anonymous Dear Real Or Not Real, Begin every moment of every day by taking deep breaths. The subtle awareness of being […]
So Why Now

Photo Credit: motorradcbr/Shutterstock©️ So Why Now ABUSE/ABANDONMENT/NEGLECT BREAKUP/SEPARATION/DIVORCE DECISION/INDECISION DearJames, I was married for 11-years. The marriage itself was very challenging. Constant fight about a woman who was his best friend since 7th grade. I tried being her friend because I loved my husband, but it bothered me that he was speaking or texting with […]
Am I Invisible

Photo Credit: greiss design/Shutterstock©️ Am I Invisible DRUGS/ALCOHOL ABUSE/ABANDONMENT/NEGLECT MENTAL ILLNESS/HARMFUL THOUGHTS-BEHAVIOR/SUICIDE DearJames, I want to be successfully happy and loved, yet it seems to elude me. I have such a difficult time getting to a place of clarity when it comes to my intentions…. I feel like an accident just floating past what most […]

Photo Credit: pjmorley/Shutterstock©️ Deception ANGER/RAGE ABUSE/ABANDONMENT/NEGLECT CONTROL DearJames, My first question is my husband bought / refinanced a car in his name only. I previously spoke to him about my name being removed because I didn’t have full access to it, which alone caused me to be unhappy. However, I tried to let it ride […]
No Choice But To Leave

Photo Credit: Dirk Ercken/Shutterstock©️ No Choice But To Leave DATING/RELATIONSHIPS ABUSE/ABANDONMENT/NEGLECT BREAKUP/SEPARATION/DIVORCE DearJames, My boyfriend, I feel, has been very emotionally abusive. He always says horrible things to me and calls me names. It’s not like it’s every day mostly just when we fight, which is often. We fight because he goes out every single […]
Lost And Alone

Photo Credit: Triff/Shutterstock©️ Lost And Alone BREAKUP/SEPARATION/DIVORCE ABUSE/ABANDONMENT/NEGLECT SELF-VALUE/WORTH/CONFIDENCE DearJames, After a 28-yr marriage my husband texted me that he wanted a divorce. No explanation. I am 63 years old and the way he did it made me feel like a useless piece of trash. I have spent this past year exploring my spirituality in […]
Feel Healthy Again

Photo Credit: Bruce Rolff/Shutterstock©️ Feel Healthy Again FEAR DISORDER(S) ABUSE/ABANDONMENT/NEGLECT DearJames, How can I feel healthy again and have confidence and not be so fearful? Anonymous Dear Feel Healthy Again, There is no magic pill or remedy for what ails you. Written long ago amongst the many stars and Milky Way, you choose this lifetime, […]