Photo Credit: Natykach Nataliia/Shutterstock©️

Right Decision


Did I make the right decision?


Dear Right Decision,

Second-guessing yourself only leads to more confusion and indecision.

When everything in your being tells you you did the right thing, trust it, and never look back.

It is only your ego-mind-personality and the Universe testing your resolve that would challenge you to believe otherwise.

You agonized over these decisions for weeks if not for months and years.

Your desire to right wrongs was admirable, however misplaced.

You can only change the past, by intentionally venturing into the future consciously.

Every moment you avail yourself of this truth is an opportunity to grow, evolve, change, and release the perceptions of the past to rewrite them anew.

The more you align with your soul the more confident you become.

Empowerment will always be a gift you give yourself.

It is never given to you or taken by another.

It is and always will be an inside job.

Trust the path ahead leads you to a greater sense of freedom, confidence, courage, and empowerment.

Know that you are already everything you will ever need in life as everything you need already lies within you. Other persons, places, and things are merely extras.

In this, you come to know, understand, and embrace your greatness, your limitlessness, your infinite wisdom, and power, your Oneness with the All That Is.

When understand this you also understand the rightness in your decisions.

Each decision is a grand opportunity for greater life experiences and self-expression.

In time you’ll come to see the wisdom of your choices knowing you changed everything for you…for the better.

In the meantime, fake it until you make it if you must.
