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Need To Ask My Dad


I need to ask my dad what I am supposed to do about Blade and Leanne?


Dear Need To Ask My Dad,

Time has a way of healing all that appears to be challenging or troubling in any given moment.

You’re meant to love them with all your being and never ever let them go. They are a profound part of you, your life’s journey, and the lessons each of you came into this incarnation to experience.

Don’t sweat the small stuff in life as that has a way of distracting you from the greater gifts at hand. While you may feel you have no real means or way of providing for them, that is simply not true.

Significant changes on your part will allow your family to remain together, you need only commit to making the right choices. While it may be hard to do or stick to in the beginning, you have what it takes deep down inside of you to make this work. You are after all your father’s daughter, so remember that when the going gets tough.

In time, you’ll see that all you have been through to this point made you stronger not weaker.

That in turn will allow you to not only weather this storm and any others that may come along, but it will also allow you to look these two in the face and say I LOVE YOU, and truly understand what that means, perhaps for the very first time.

Stay the course. Make the necessary changes within, and all will fall into place. Your dad knows this to be true, and now so do you.
