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New love. Indecision as to whether moving in together is the right decision. Is he unfaithful?
Dear Indecision,
If you’re not feeling it yet, don’t do it, it’s as simple as that.
And of course, if what you’re really feeling is trepidation, angst, uncertainty, and lack of trust, then you really should hit the pause button.
At least until you can earnestly sort through your feelings surrounding possible infidelity.
All too often we blindly leap into relationships, living arrangements, and all other sorts of life-commitments while leaving our better judgment, intuition, and gut instinct lying somewhere in lockdown.
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and waddles like a duck, trust your instincts, it’s a duck.
If, however it’s about your own doubts, insecurities, and not being ready than it is about him being unfaithful, ask him for time and patience while you sort yourself out.
Have the self-worth, self-esteem, and self-confidence to choose what’s best for you.
If he is ultimately the right man for you, he will understand the need for you to walk before you ever commit to running.
On the other hand, if you already know that there is trouble in paradise and the rumor mill says he’s the philandering kind, ask your self if you really need to test the waters and experience this lesson any further.
Lessons may be learned as simply or traumatically as we so desire.
The purity of the outcome relies solely upon the amount of honesty you demonstrate with yourself.
KNOW YOUR TRUTH and then be willing to accept and embrace it whatever it may be.
While this may be a “new love / relationship,” the truth your soul is speaking to you is not.
Tune in and listen intently to the wisdom of your soul and make decisions accordingly.
As a dear friend once said, “far better to be alone than to be with the wrong person” and “it’s far easier to get into a relationship than it is to get out of one.”
That’s especially true once you are living together.
Better to assess now than have to clean up a bigger mess later.