Photo Credit: Stefano Termanini/Shutterstock©️
I Try So Hard
I try so hard to find love, but it never fails, I always end up getting hurt!!! My last one was a bad drug addict, so I let him go. Do I have to be alone forever?
Dear I Try So Hard,
The lyrics “looking for love in all the wrong places” came careening to mind.
The issue here is that until you change the way you see and love yourself, those that you attract are inevitably going to continue to mirror your current state of self-value, self-worth, and self-love. Everything is energy, and whether you are consciously or unconsciously aware of this fact and your current state of being, like attracts like energetically.
The energetic resonance you are currently emitting attracts people, places, and things which are below what you say you desire and yet are equivalent to you in the now. That energetic, and the choices that follow, bring about hurt, heartache, and disappointment. To experience a higher level of love, relationships, and life experiences, you must first raise the resonance and vibration of your own frequency. Every thought, belief, action, and intention must be purified, raised, and reset to a higher octave.
Love yourself more than… Love yourself enough to… Take yourself, your soul-self out on dates. Learn to love and enjoy your own company. Find joy in everything you do. Challenge your life choices. See yourself in a new light. Earnestly feel you are worthy of greater love, better relationships, and life experiences and so shall it be.
Change the people you associate with, the places you frequent, and perhaps even where you live and work. Change. Change. Change. With all this change, all will change. You will attract a new caliber of people and experiences into your life because you will no longer be the person you were.
YOU ARE LOVE! Once you realize that, you will never again sell yourself short. You will never again give your power away or look for another to complete you or fill a void. You will be whole and sovereign, know your own worth and value, and say to anyone you invite into your life, you do not complete me, but rather you compliment me. A statement of truth worth the time and effort it takes to arrive at such a wonderful state of being, renewal, and resonance.
Do you have to be alone forever? No, you do not! Make the choice to change your life now. Raise your vibration and align with the ideal you seek. Mirror the cornucopia you are and so richly deserve. Walk don’t run. Love yourself more. Love yourself enough. And remember, everywhere you go, there you are.