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Feeling Lost


I am struggling with what direction I should go in as far as my job goes. I don’t make much money and the stress of my job is starting to get to me. I have four children and I pay for full time childcare for my youngest and my other three will be out of school for the summer soon. I am really struggling with how to take care of my children, make money and not be crazy out of my mind with stress. I feel a pull to be at home with my children but can’t seem to figure out the financial side of things. I feel really stuck and don’t know what to do. I know there is a way and a plan for me, but I just can’t seem to figure out what it is!


Dear Feeling Lost,

Raising and providing for a family is a balancing act and not always an easy one at that. Currently your need to earn an income is competing with your maternal desire to stay at home and raise your children.

Mothers and families the world over face this challenge on a daily basis and the right decision for you and your family demands careful consideration of the circumstances, your resources and your overall belief system.

First and foremost you have basic necessities in life that must be met.  Food, Shelter & Clothing require money.  Love, Care and Encouragement, are free.

Review every aspect of your current living expenses and spending to see where there may be room for improvement.  While gainfully employed, search out other job opportunities that may offer greater pay and benefits.

If you need temporary assistance, and qualify for it, utilize it as a way and means of creating a stronger foundation.  However, do not fall into the trap of becoming reliant upon it.

There are also many stay-at-home income opportunities and professions, that may provide a greater sense of freedom and balance in your life.  Investigate all of you options and select the one that best fits the overall needs of you and your family.

Remember, you co-create the reality you wish to experience.  If your current reality is less than you desire, seek ways and means by which you may improve it.

Your circumstances are what you believe them to be.  Perception IS Reality.
