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Feel Healthy Again


How can I feel healthy again and have confidence and not be so fearful?


Dear Feel Healthy Again,

There is no magic pill or remedy for what ails you.  Written long ago amongst the many stars and Milky Way, you choose this lifetime, and you chose well.

Every perceived fear, hurdle, and obstacle you chose with deliberate meaning, purpose, and intention.  You chose them first and foremost to experience them with the intention of overcoming / transcending them, not becoming them.

By becoming them, you surrendered your power to them.  You taught yourself to believe that they were and are more powerful than you.  You abdicated your roll by denying your responsibility in the very experiences your soul created for you to experience.

Only by taking back your power will you create the environment by which you feel confident, healthy, and empowered.  And you must begin by looking internally, not externally.

Every fear you became, begot more fear.  Every abuse you surrendered to, begot more abuse.  Every disorder you manifested in order to mask or hide the abdication of your power, begot more dis-order.

By understanding your innate greatness, limitless power, will and ability to act and change, you take one giant step forward in releasing yourself and your soul from these self-inflicted torments and tortures.

This is not to say that others are not responsible for their acts of aggression and abuse for their choices and the resulting affects lie solely upon their soul, not yours.

However, the opportunity and ability to regain and maintain control and triumph over your oppressors, whether that be yourself or another, will always be an inside job.

Search deep within yourself for the pieces that make up the whole of you and then earnestly seek to reconstruct said pieces so that you arrive at a renewed place of oneness, wholeness, and understanding. 

You hold within you everything you need to revisit these painful acts from a safe and renewed perspective.  A perspective that illuminates truth and knowing, grants liberation and freedom from the past, and recognizes each gift your soul masterfully created for you so long ago amongst the stars for this most personal journey of self-discovery.

Wait not, surrounded by excuses and blame, for that is a vestige of the old you. Old perceptions, beliefs, fears, and stories that no longer serve you.

Your today, tomorrow, and beyond are bright. Rise up to greet them with renewed joy, love, gratitude, and appreciation for a path well chosen.
