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I was asking should I do drugs or not in life? I know it is bad but what.


Dear Drugs,

The simple, straightforward answer is No, you should not do drugs, and if you do, be very mindful of the path you could be placing yourself upon.  Doing drugs is a huge risk, a game of Russian roulette being played out each and every time you partake.

From “experimenting” to “casual or social use,” to chronic use, it only takes one time, to turn your life upside down or for that matter, to end it.

Somehow the fallacy that we are all invincible trumps our greater sense of right from wrong.  From peer pressure to simple intrigue to the greater masking of demons that lie within, drugs take you further and further away from your purest self.

They render you UN conscious in every sense of the meaning, thereby diminishing or severely impairing your judgment, actions and awareness of self.

Everything in life happens for a reason, and perhaps you will, in the end, partake in illegal drugs.  In that, you will experience and learn from those actions and the circumstances that stem from them. 

The uncertainty lies in whether or not those lessons/experiences are survivable or whether they cause you or others irreparable harm.

The wiser choice is to not do drugs, knowing that by making that choice, you chose wisdom and insight over unconsciousness, Love of Self and Others over Feelings of Lack and internal demons, Life, over Russian roulette.

Ultimately, the choice is yours… choose wisely.
