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Bright Future
Is my future looking bright with my soon to be husband?
Dear Bright Future,
Letting go of the past allows you the opportunity of experiencing a bright future.
You’ve been holding onto many fears buried in the back of your mind and the bottom of your soul and spirit.
While you can never relive the exact moments of the past, and nor should you, that doesn’t mean you can’t reexamine them with a new perspective.
As you embark on this journey of commitment ask yourself Am I Ready.
If the answer is Yes, proceed with optimism and a bounce in your step.
If the answer is No, delay the wedding so you and your fiancé have the appropriate time to reflect and consider the choices.
Trusting yourself is important. Trusting the person you marry, paramount to a bright future.
The more you allow yourself to love again, the brighter your future will be.
Tests and challenges of devotion have no place in a relationship let alone a marriage as that is a recipe for disaster.
No one will ever measure up and overcome your fears, except you.
So, to have a bright future, choose it with all your being.
Be incredibly mindful of your own inner demons and commit to face and dismantle them one-by-one.
Communicate openly and honestly with your partner so each of you has the benefit of inside knowledge and perspective.
Refrain from simply challenging him with the explanation or excuse of “this is just how I am.”
You may be this way now; however, you and you alone hold the keys to your freedom.
And you will serve yourself and others well by recognizing this opportunity for change and soul-growth evolution.
Many Blessings to you and yours and the bright future you shall shape together.
Mazel tov