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Money Problems


Will I be able to solve all my money problems?


Dear Money Problems,

The answer to your question is both Yes and No, for you will be able to resolve matters, however, it won’t be in the manner or way in which you currently envisage.

You have very complex issues at play here and there isn’t an easy-breezy way out or fix, if-you-will.  You took quite deliberate actions getting yourself into the mess you currently find yourself in and correcting it will take just as much effort or more to get yourself out.

The more important question(s) you need to ask yourself is what have I learned from all of this; and if your immediate reply is flippant or rash, then you haven’t really learned the lesson(s).

While the economy, job losses, changes or demotions may have played a part in your current financial situation, so too did your uncompromising need to spend, regardless of the times and circumstances.

Every style of ship or vessel course corrects, so as to mitigate avoidable negative circumstances or catastrophes.  Personal finances, spending and budgeting are no different.  One is wise to adapt to an ever-changing world; only the fool continues his routine journey whilst the tides beneath him are shifting.

I’d like to say that you will come out of this unscathed, however, there are greater lessons at play here, so be incredibly mindful of every action or inaction you take.  Be vigilant yet fluid in your approach and responses.

And above all else, communicate as openly and earnestly with those you may owe money, for honesty and open communication go a long way towards others granting you more favorable terms and circumstances.

You’ll come out of this situation wiser and stronger, so long as you heed the lessons you sought to teach yourself.
